Chapter 7, Section 2 The War of 1812 Mr. Madison’s War
Tecumseh William Hull
War Begins Called “Mr. Madison’s War” U.S. military was undersized and poorly trained William Hull led troops from Detroit into Canada He met Tecumseh and his warriors, Hull surrendered Detroit Map
Naval Battles Oliver Hazard Perry was in charge of Lake Erie naval forces His orders were to seize the lake from British control Perry defeated the British and held Lake Erie
Naval Battles Cont. British forces attempted to retreat from Detroit, but William H. Harrison cut them off Tecumseh was killed in battle America attacked York (present day Toronto) and burned the parliament building The U.S. naval vessel the Constitution earned the name “Old Ironsides”
Setback for Native Americans Andrew Jackson killed more than 550 Creek warriors at the battle of Horseshoe Bend The Creek gave most of their land to U.S.
The British Offensive In 1814, the War between Britain and France ended British troops reorganized and sailed to the U.S. They attack Washington D.C. and burn down the White House and everything else connected to the government Dolley Madison saves Washington’s Portrait
Baltimore Holds The British next sailed to Baltimore Through a heavy bombardment, Fort McHenry held Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star Spangled Banner,” which became the national anthem in 1931
Defeat at Plattsburgh The U.S. turns back an attack on Plattsburgh, an important city on Lake Champlain British begin to tire of the war
The War Ends The war officially ends on December 24, 1814 Peace agreement was signed in Ghent, Belgium (Treaty of Ghent) On January 8, 1815 a fierce battle was fought in the city of New Orleans Andrew Jackson achieved the most decisive victory of the war, after the war ended
American Nationalism New England Federalists drew up amendments to the Constitution to protect their interest After the Battle of New Orleans, their interest didn’t seem very patriotic Federalists further lost respect Many of the Federalists ideas were shared by the War Hawks of the Republican Party