British Values At St.Marys
No matter what religion we are, we should all be treated the same way. Mason Guest Year 5
Democracy is a good British value, and it is important because it lets people have their own say and rights. It also lets people think what they want, and share their ideas with everyone. Marium Ansary Year 5
A democratic vote was held in each class to elect the School Council. It is a responsible role to represent your class or school. This is especially important when visiting other schools or attending events. At meetings we discuss issues, listening to each other showing respect. The School Council
At St. Mary’s we are friends with everyone. Nicole Kelly Year 1V At St. Mary’s we share things with everyone. Jaylen Hatton Speakman Year 1V At St. Mary’s we show empathy for our friends. Lacey Fay Year 1N At St. Mary’s we show perseverance when we do hard work. Ben Ashton Year 1N
I’m proud to be British because we have got a Royal Song: It is called the ‘National Anthem’. I am also proud to be British because we are one of the only countries to keep our own currency – the British Pound! As well as the above, I am proud we have a day to remember people who have died; this is called ‘Remembrance Day’. By Tyler-Lee Edge, Year 6
I’m proud to be British because I have the right to go to school and get a free education. I can also get any treatment of any kind whether I have money or not, we also have the freedom to go to any religion we choose. By Sissi Muhizi, Year 6