Presented by: Anh Nguyen, Hien Phan, Renee Leaman
Marketing Object Place Price Promotion Target Market Positioning Content
Introduce vegetarian menu: McVeggie Burger The vegetarian menu has taken advantage of the company’s strengths The vegetarian menu has also taken advantage of the company opportunities Marketing Objective
Place Direct distribution channel Market exposure: Intensive The point of Purchase Displays will be temporary in all locations: huge window display, advertising…
Price The specific price for McVeggie is $5.29 for meal, and $2.99 for single sandwich. Pricing Objective: Profit Maximization The initial price strategy would be penetration price since the McVeggie has few competitors. Coupons will help to attract customers' attention on the McVeggie Bundle pricing: customers can get an additional salad at cheaper price when purchasing a McVeggie.
Promotion Advertising: TV, radio, magazines, and bill boards Sales promotion: Point of Purchase material, coupons, … Public Relations: sponsor sporting events such as the Olympic games, and little league events… Personal selling will be in target areas Promotion Objective: inform consumers about our new McVeggie Campaign message: "What were made of'".
Target Market Young, fast past college students that are economically aware Middle to low income blue collar workers that care about their health Busy families with many social activities.
Positioning Differentiate: use the special sauce unique on the Big Mac on the new McVeggie to create the same taste that a meat eating consumers experience at a McDonalds’. Position: McDonald's will position the McVeggie on convenience and on the health trend