2014 FCAT Writing Assessment Administration Training
Agenda Materials and Forms Reminders and what’s new Test Security Who is Tested? Test Administrator Responsibilities Test Preparation Returning Materials Invalidation Procedures Test Schedule Questions and Answers
Materials and Forms For each student: Writing Folder Planning Sheet Security Forms and Classroom Signs, Test Administrator and School Coordinator Checklists, Headers are in Appendix C Required Administration Information Forms (RAI), Group Code List, Seating Chart Form, Chain of Custody
Reminders… and what’s new The student working time for FCAT 2.0 Writing is 60 minutes All test administrators and proctors must sign the Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Form as well as the Security Agreement Form prior to testing Test Group Code must be assigned to each testing group, including make-ups, but there will be no place to record on Writing Folder- it will be on RAI The FCAT Parent letter has been posted on our web site and explains the reasons for invalidation. Letter is on Blackboard.
Reminders… There will be a Test Rules Acknowledgement on the back of the Planning Sheet that must be signed by the student after the testing rules have been read before they can test If a student refuses to sign, student must be removed from session and scheduled for a make-up session (see page 46) Test Administrators must use all of the allotted time for the testing session. Sessions cannot be terminated early or test materials collected early even if all students indicate they are finished. Students cannot read or write after they have finished their test
Test Security Forms and Procedures
FCAT Security Agreement Form In Appendix C of TAM Must be signed prior to testing by: School Test Coordinator School Principal Test Administrators Proctors Anyone handling test materials
Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Form In Appendix C of TAM Must be signed prior to testing by: Test Administrators Proctors Must include Test Administrator’s Certification number
FCAT Security Log In Appendix C of TAM Must be completed by anyone who enters room for purpose of administering or monitoring test Complete and return even if no one relieves you
Required Administration Information (RAI) Forms Track students and test sessions, materials, attendance, group codes, etc. Will be provided to you when you pick up materials. Will be required to initial materials received and returned. Must record accommodations provided and accommodations used.
Seating Chart A Seating Chart must be completed for each test group Must include the following information: Test date, test start time Test Administrator and Proctor names Room number and Test Group Code number Student names/locations and direction facing Front and back of room Copy provided
Test Security Procedures Keep test materials in locked storage when not in use before and after testing. Report Missing Materials, Breaches of Test Security, Testing Irregularities to Diane immediately.
Reminders Students must write their name and school information on their writing folder, even if they have a label Students must write their name on their Planning Sheet Student must read and sign Testing Rules on back of Planning Sheet prior to testing All planning sheets, used and unused, must be returned as secured items Read script verbatim
Who Can Administer? Persons administering the Writing Test must be certified (teaching certificate, guidance certificate, etc.) Test Administrator is the one overseeing testing process, reading scripts, etc. and is responsible for what happens in their test session Persons handling test materials must be certified or must have permission from the state as a “District Certified” person
Who Can Proctor? Proctor is the person assisting in the room but does not read script, answer student questions, etc. Cannot be in test room with family member All Proctors must be trained in both security guidelines and testing protocol, and must sign Security Agreement and the Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Form
Who Is Tested? All general education students in appropriate grades All ELL students ESE students who do not take the FAA 504 Students May also have: Home Ed Virtual School (Seminole or FLVS) Hospital/Homebound – if capable of returning to zone school for testing Note: MTSS/RtI students do not receive accommodations.
Responsibilities Test Administrator
Test Administrator Before Testing Read Test Administration Manual thoroughly Be familiar with allowable test accommodations if you will administer for students needing accommodations Review and agree to security guidelines Sign Security Agreement Form and Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Form and submit to School Test Coordinator Prepare room for testing (cover or remove any material that may provide assistance) Pick up test materials and verify Please review teacher/student assignment list for accuracy Turn off your own electronic devices
Test Administrator During Testing Hand out test materials per script in Test Administration Manual Make sure each student has the Writing folder pre-identified for that student (ALL students will have a pre-ID folder) Read test administration script VERBATIM paying attention to information between “Say” boxes Maintain test security at all times Notify Diane Taylor if a student refuses to sign the Test Rules Acknowledgement
Test Administrator During Testing Actively monitor test session You may not use phone (unless emergency), computer, read a book, grade papers, etc. during test session Quietly encourage students to stay on task Move about room watching for cheating or security issues Students may not read or write when they are finished with their essay Do not discuss prompt with students even after testing is done and materials have been returned Notify coordinator (Diane) of any missing materials, invalidation situations, testing irregularities, or security issues immediately
Test Administrator After Testing Verify that all Writing Folders and Planning Sheets have been collected from students Separate Writing Folders and Planning Sheets for tested students Prepare materials for return to School Test Coordinator using header sheets provided (Appendix C) Make sure FCAT Security Log, Seating Chart, and Required Administration Information (RAI) Form have been completed Make sure any accommodations have been recorded on RAI and those used are bubbled on writing folder (ESE/504/ELL only) Be careful to bubble correct box for either ESE/ELL. Return materials to School Coordinator according to school return plan (copy provided) Complete Test Administrator Survey on Pearson site at
Collecting and Returning Materials Pencils Manuals Required Administration Information Form Security Log Seating Chart “Absent students” cover sheet Writing folders for absent students “To be scored” cover sheet “To be scored” writing folders Home school student cover sheet (if any) Home school “To be scored” writing folders Virtual school cover sheet (if any) Virtual school “To be scored” writing folders “Not to be scored” cover sheet “Not to be scored” writing folders (ex. Withdrawn students, invalidated folders, defected folders) Planning sheets (used then unused) MATERIALS WILL BE PICKED UP IMMEDIATELY AFTER TEST
Testing Time Issues Accommodations Read Appendix A (pp of manual) Must review accommodation needs prior to testing to be sure all arrangements are made Must be provided even if student chooses not to use and indicated on RAI form Must keep record of accommodations provided and accommodations used on RAI Bubble only the accommodations actually used during testing
Testing Time Issues Invalidation The purpose of invalidation is to identify when the validity of test results has been compromised Contact Diane with all invalidation situations Must Invalidate if: Student is disruptive Student is cheating Student is given unauthorized help Student is given accommodations not allowed on testing or student is not provided accommodations listed on IEP Student has electronic device within reach Bubble in DNS bubble on front of folder
Test Time Issues Invalidation – Do Not Score Bubble DNS and UNDO bubbles located on the bottom front of the Writing Folder Use to indicate any used Writing Folder that is not to be scored Do not fill in DNS bubble if folder is unused If filled in accidentally, erase DNS bubble and fill in UNDO bubble so document can be scored
Test Time Issues Invalidation – DNS Type 1 Include these documents in To Be Scored materials : Student is disruptive Student is cheating Student is given unauthorized help Student is given accommodations not allowed on testing or student is not provided accommodations listed on IEP Student has electronic device within reach Incorrect time given for test session Record invalidations on RAI These students will not have a folder scored
Test Time Issues Invalidation – DNS Type 2 Soiled folders Defective folders and Incorrectly used folders Replacement folder submitted for scoring Record Security number of new folder on RAI Original (DNS) folder placed in Not To Be Scored materials
Test Time Issues Invalidation – Using Incorrect Folder If a student uses another student’s Writing Folder Bubble in DNS bubble on front of original folder This is a DNS Type 2 New folder must be assigned and hand-gridded Remember to record on RAI! Student must transfer essay into new folder No editing
Test Time Issues Invalidation – Defective Folders If a folder is defective but not used Let us know immediately-unlikely to happen Replace with new folder, record security number on RAI Hand-grid demographic information Student completes test in new folder Do not mark DNS bubble on original folder - place it in Not To Be Scored If folder is used Replace with new folder, record security number on RAI Hand-grid demographic information Student must transfer essay into new folder without editing Bubble in DNS bubble on original and place it in Not To Be Scored
Test Time Issues Invalidation – Student Becomes Sick Determine if acceptable amount of time has been given for student to complete test If yes, submit folder for scoring (if not soiled) If no, bubble in DNS bubble on front of folder and submit with To Be Scored materials If soiled and can be transferred to new document do so. Place original in zip lock bag, and: Provide memo regarding situation, attach to zip lock bag Return with Not To Be Scored Notify Colleen This is a DNS Type 2 If student leaves campus for any reason without completing test, cannot come back and finish
Test Schedule FCAT Writes Test Schedule and Procedure 9:15 AM Bell 9:20 Late Bell 9:40 Instructions 9:50 Start 10:50 Stop Follow bell schedule for remainder of the day. Please allow time prior to pick up and verify materials.
Test Schedule * Free Breakfast in Cafeteria for 8 th Grade Students * 9:10 Entry Bell – Students report directly to 1st Period 9:15 - 9:18 Announcements 9:18 – 9:35 Students move to testing location/Take attendance / Prepare students to begin testing / Hand out materials 9:35 – 9:50 Read directions for Writing Test 9:50 – 10:50 FCAT Writing Test 10:50 – 11:00 Remain in testing location. Collect all materials. 11:00 – 12:49 2nd Period & Lunches 11:00 – 11:30 A Lunch 11:39 – 12:09 B Lunch 12:19 – 12:49 C Lunch 12:52 – 2:21 4th Period 2:24 - 3:55 6th Period
Contacts: For relief- Mrs. Dean: More desks- Mrs. Taylor: Questions/Concerns- Mrs. Taylor: 31354