England (the capital is London) Wales (the capital is Cardiff) Scotland (the capital is Edinburgh) Northern Ireland (the capital is Belfast). The territory of the UK is about 244,000 square kilometres. The population is over 56,5 million.
The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
ENGLAND England is the largest and the richest country of Great Britain. The capital of England is London. The symbol of England is the rose.
Scotland is a country in the north of Great Britain. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. The symbol of Scotland is the thistle.
Wales is the country in the west of Great Britain. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. The symbol of Wales is the daffodil.
Northern Ireland is situated in the north- east of the island of Ireland. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. The symbol of Northern Ireland is the shamrock.
mild the whole year round. The Atlantic Ocean, the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate.
●Edinburgh ●Glasgow ●Liverpool ●Manchester ●London
Capital of Scotland Coastal city
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle Walter Scott
Tony Blair Sir Sean Connery Joanne Rowling
Annual Summer Festival International Edinburgh Book Festival
●Glasgow ●Edinburgh
Compaq Scotland’s largest city Fishing Harbour city Glasgow
Sights of Glasgow Celvin Grove Art Gallery Glasgo Gallery of Modern Art Glasgo University
Sights of Glasgow Glasgow Abbey Glasgow Botanical Garden Glasgow Green
Allan Pincerton Charles Macintosh
John Maclean Sir William Ramsay
West End Festival Annual Music Festival
Annual Boat Race Festival Bagpipe Festival
●Liverpool ●Edinburgh ●Glasgow
Capital of culture The Beatles Sunday talents Festival city Liverpool
Sights of Liverpool St. Georges Hall Tate Gallery Everton Water Tower
Sights of Liverpool Liverpool Waterfront and New Ferry Terminal Liverpool Anglican Cathedral St. Luke’s Church
John Lennon Felicia Hemmans
Walter Crane Paul MacCartney
Street Festival Annual Beatles Festival
●Manchester ●Edinburgh ●Glasgow ●Liverpool
10% of workers Significant financial sector The highest weekly earnings-£ Manchester United Celvin Grove Art Gallery
Sights of Manchester Bridgewater Hall City of Manchester Stadium
Sights of Manchester Manchester Opera House Manchester Piccadilly station
David-Beckham John Everett Mille
●London ●Edinburgh ●Glasgow ●Liverpool ●Manchester
The capital of England Modern city One of the most famous marvelous cities
Sights of London Houses of ParliamentTower bridge
Sights of London St Paul’s Cathedral
Hugh Grant Elizabeth II
Osterbrunnen New Year