Warm Up Who was Charlemagne and why was it a big deal the pope crowned him emperor Define simony Define Excommunication What is the process of lay investiture What are the Crusades and who were they fought against
Chivalry Knights were expected to display courage in battle and loyalty to their lord. the code of chivalry, a complex set of ideals, demanded that a knight fight bravely in defense of three masters; his feudal lord, his heavenly lord, and his chosen lady. The ideal knight was loyal, brave, and courteous.
Those Dang Crusades Crusades = Holy Wars Fought against the Muslim Turks Numerous fought for over 300 yrs What reason’s would a knight have for joining the crusades
Goals of the Crusades Gain Control over Holy Land (Jerusalem) They also wanted control over key trade routes with Asia
Causes of the Crusades Muslims threatened to invade Constantinople Kings and the Church saw crusades as a way to get rid of quarrelsome knights who fought each other They also wanted to win control over key trade routes to India, Southeast Asia, and China
13 different attempts!!
1st Crusade: The only successful attempt (1099) Led by French and Norman nobles Captured Antioch and Jerusalem the Crusaders had won a narrow strip of land. It stretched about 650 miles from Edessa in the north to Jerusalem in the south. Christians win!
The second Crusade A Failure for the Christians They lost the city to the Muslims The Second Crusade was organized to recapture the city. But its armies straggled home in defeat.
The Third Crusade Leaders: Richard the Lion Hearted of England, Phillip Augustus of France, Frederick Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire Opposed by Saladin Ended in a Truce 300,000 dead!
Saladin decided that neither Frankish Christians, nor the ones of oriental heritage should be pursued. Saladin placed guards around the church of the Holy grave as well as other holy places belonging to the non-Muslims, to avoid them being destroyed. Saladin encouraged the Franks to stay, and invited Jewish families to move back in to Jerusalem. Saladin’s tax collectors were shocked by the fact that their leader allowed Franks, and others who wanted to leave Jerusalem, to depart without returning goods they had stolen. Firstly, Saladin said, it will be difficult to prove what is actually plundered, and secondly; he had not taken the city to enrich himself on material wealth. Saladin let al-Aqsa, which was previously turned into a church, once again become a mosque after having the walls sprinkled with rose-water. Then Saladin let the slaves free without them having to pay, further on he pro-claimed that he would not take a ransom for the richest. Some of his trusted men objected loudly. Saladin answered them: “Christians throughout the world will remember the good deeds we have done for them."
The later Crusades included the Children’s Crusade in 1212
Results of the Crusades
1. Military results: Europeans learned to use: the crossbow, carrier pigeons, siege techniques, catapults, gunpowder, compass and improved the quality of their ships
2. Political results: strengthened the central power of the kings and weakened the power of the nobles and Pope WEAKENED FEUDALISM
3. Economic results Strengthened trade encouraged the growth of cities (Italian cities led the way, especially Venice and Genoa)
4. Broadened learning and the world outlook of Europe Knowledge of Muslim medicine Knowledge of Muslim science and technologies Reintroduced to Classical learning Desire for products of trade increased need to know the world