BIG/ESF What opportunities are there for the Voluntary Sector in New Anglia? Jonathan Clark Policy & Learning Manager 11/07/2014
The Big Lottery Fund Since June 2004, we have awarded over £6 billion to projects supporting health, education, environment and charitable purposes In 2012/13 we made 12,000 new awards with a total value of £778m We are presently managing 17,000 awards and 88% of our awards are for £10,000 or less Over 92% of our funding currently goes to voluntary and community sector organisations
Why ESF? OUR MISSION Making a real difference to communities and the lives of people most in need ESF TO9 Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty OUTCOME 1 To maximise the impact of this funding OUTCOME 2 To improve access to European Funds by VCSE organisations
A simple equation? BIGSFADWP The journey into work Not quite... RULESDELIVERYMONITORINGRISK
The proposal Development Phase Application Phase Delivery Phase Grant management & reporting Two routes/two stages: Partnership Grants (£1m+) Single Grants (£100k -500k) Local Negotiation Agreeing Priorities/MOU Project delivery Award and funding set up Programme Development Funding July 2013December 2014 January/April 2015 July/October
An opportunity and a challenge STRENGTHSWEAKNESSESOPPORTUNITIESTHREATS New money to LEP areas Managing Demand Local solutions to local problems Size of funding ExperienceAdditional rules Greater impact Monitoring requirements LearningExclusionsImprove cross sector links Claw back New Anglia £7,443,803 Total Match Fund £14,887,606
What kind of projects & initiatives? 1.Youth Unemployment(£5million) Early engagement with young people, especially those at risk of becoming NEET, looked after children, care leavers and children with special educational needs 2.Barriers to Work(£5million) Support family members experiencing multiple barriers move towards employment 3.Financial Inclusion(£5million) Increase number of people able to access training and progress to employment or self employment ( programme)