Strategy 2010 – Perspectives for Research, Technology and Innovation in Austria Bratislava December 6, 2005 Simone Mesner Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development
Who is the Austrian Council? Advisory body for research, technology and innovation policies in Austria Established by law and constituted in 2000 Eight independent experts from universities and industry Appointed for five years; second term started on September 6, 2005 Equipped with a secretariat
The Council`s Mission Advising the federal government, ministers and provincial governments in all issues related to research, technology and innovation Designing a long-term R&D-strategy for Austria Proposing thematic and strategic fields of research promotion and new R&D initiatives Evaluating the implementation of the strategy
„Vision Among the Best Through Innovation“: outlines the shared values and guiding principles of the Austrian Council „2.5% + plus: Prosperity Through Research and Innovation“: describes the main strategic elements on the way to the Lisbon and Barcelona targets National Research and Innovation Plan (December 2002) „Strategy 2010 – Perspectives for Research, Technology and Innovation in Austria“ (August 2005) Research Strategies for Austria
What Have We Achieved? The Development of RTD-Expenditures in Austria We have nearly reached the 2,5%-Target for 2005!
Improved Framework Conditions for RTD in Austria Financial Contribution of the Federal Government ● Special funds for RTD: 508 Mio. € from 2001 to 2003, and 600 Mio. € from 2004 to 2006 ● Follow-up “Research Billion”: first part already allocated (50 Mio. € for 2005 and 75 Mio. € for 2006) ● Establishment of a National Foundation for Research: 125 Mio.€ p.a. ● Widening the scope of the indirect funding system: 100 Mio. € p.a. Structural Reform of the Funding System
Strategy 2010: Objectives ● Placing Austria among the leading EU-members in RTD ● Strengthening of the competitiveness and dynamism of the Austrian economy ● Reaching the Barcelona targets ● Further improving the framework conditions for research and innovation in Austria
Strategy 2010: Strategic Orientation ● Promote quality on a broad level and excellence at the top ● Strengthen networking and cooperation between science and industry ● Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the promotion system
Strategy 2010: Major Recommendations Part I Develop a strategy of excellence encompassing all sectors of research performance Promote special and distinct profils at the universities Facilitate cooperation between universities and polytecnical colleges Strengthen cooperation between science and industry, especially through promotion of competence centers
Strategy 2010: Major Recommendations Part II Increase promotion of high-tech start-ups and optimise instruments Optimise the system of indirect research promotion Improve the management of the funding portfolio at the programme level with monitoring and evaluation instruments Strengthen human resources (mobility, grant programmes, gender mainstreaming, lifelong learning)
Strategy 2010: Major Recommendations Part III Increase the public funding for RTD by 7-9% per year Increase the budgets of the Austrian Science Fund FWF and of the Research Promotion Agency FFG by 9% per year
International Orientation I The development of the European Research Area requires that national RTD policy have an international orientation. The Council recommends: ● Development of a national strategy for participation in specific programme lines of the EU 7th Framework Programme (e.g. ERA-NET, ER-NET plus) ● Increase participation in European research infrastructures with high scientific benefit
International Orientation II Optimise instruments to support researchers who participate in EU Framework Programmes Optimise consulting services about diverse regional, national and European funding schemes The Austrian Council welcomes the establishment of the European Research Council, but: there must be no substitution or reduction of national funding for basic research as a result