SUPPORTING THE HE RESEARCHER Cardiff University 11 th May 2006 Janet Wilkinson Head of Higher Education “Helping people advance knowledge to enrich lives”
Vision We play a lead role in the changing world of research information…
Vision We exist for everyone who wants to do research for academic, personal or commercial purposes…
Vision We promote ready access to our collection and expertise through services which will be increasingly time and space independent…
Vision We also connect with the collections and expertise of others, and work in partnership to fulfil our users’ needs
6 6 How do we support the HE researcher? We can help to inspire We can help to find out what information is needed We can help to access the information We can help with research
7 7 Ubiquity of information Impact of Google and other search engines Increased uptake of internet use Importance of e-service provision Impact of technological, economic & social pressures on ways of working Relevance Challenges
Redefining the Library How do we redefine the Library in such a rapidly changing context?
Target Audiences HE Research Business Education Public Library & Information Network
The Higher Education Team Jan Wilkinson Head of Higher Education Sara Gould Regional Projects (HE) Annick Ireland HE Marketing Manager Frances Taylor Marketing Assistant
11 Six Strategic Priorities Enriching the user’s experience Building the digital research environment Transforming search and navigation Growing and managing the national collection Developing our people Guaranteeing financial sustainability TO HELP PEOPLE ADVANCE KNOWLEDGE TO ENRICH LIVES
12 Working in Partnership University Libraries Vice-chancellors Academic departments JISC Research Information Network Research/Funding Councils Legal Deposit/National Libraries Government Departments RDAs Public Institutions Data centres Public Libraries International
Collaborative library storage for the UK HE sector
14 Space crisis in UK research libraries Consultants’ report – 450km by 2015 Space pressures high priority for 90% CURL libraries Competition for university resources Major capital investment on campus CURL libraries manage 4,222 print subs each Duplication of holdings
15 Consultants’ options 1)HEIs rent space together (regional) 2)HEIs manage space collaboratively 3)HEIs manage collections collaboratively 4)‘National Reserve’ based on BL collections plus
16 Option 4 preferred ‘Last copy’ print repository for preservation & access Infrastructure already exists BL collections form the core Over 80% BL/CURL overlap (journals) 50% unique to BL Other libraries can add unique material ‘In perpetuity’ guarantee Informal activity based on BL’s current role Extension & formalisation Most cost effective solution
17 Option 4 summary Permanent preservation of low use print in appropriate, cost-effective storage Efficient (wider!) & cost-effective access (just-in-time) Encourage de-duplication of low-use print, releasing space in universities, avoiding need for capital investment locally (‘invest to save’) Extension of BL’s existing research infrastructure role
18 Additional suggestions Start with serials, focus on low use Also books RIN at centre of governance BL funding based on business plan Need to manage perception of BL monopoly
19 Consultation & discussion Scope of reserve collection Number of copies & where? Access arrangements key (SLA) Governance arrangements Possible funding sources Business model Possible savings to HE (£100 m, 10 years)
20 Consultation & steps to implementation Key stakeholder involvement Development of communications plan Task force established (CURL led) Develop service, operation & business models Develop governance model Pilot phase (early adoptors) Develop funding case
21 Supporting the HE Researcher Jan Wilkinson Head of Higher Education +44 (0)