Personal Online Safety Information Security Systems Community Outreach Program McKinley Middle School April 23, 2013
Why do we need to protect ourselves online?
Online presence in many things we do today What specifically do we need to protect? o All personal information o Financial information o Personal and physical information
Who do we need to protect ourselves against?
Fraudsters Scammers Hackers Thieves Online Predators
How Do We Protect Ourselves???
Do not share your personal information online Facebook, Twitter Issues o Privacy settings o “Checking In” Personal Information Name, Phone Number, Address, Age ect. This information could make you a target
Know your Facebook friends Do not accept friendship requests from people you do not know, even if it is a “friend of a friend.”
Be Aware of Catfishing
Manti Te’o and “girlfriend”
Cyber Bullying What is it? Online provides anonymity to bullies Use the Golden Rule online as well “Treat others the way you wish to be treated”
Downloading o Clicking on links in s and on Websites o Make sure you are on a secure website HTTPS / lock Icon, secure website o Phishing – Scam used to steal your personal information o Cookies – Bits of data from web sites stored on computer
Passwords The longer, the better – ideally at least 8 characters Try using special characters such as #,$,% ect. Use different passwords for different accounts Never share your password with anyone
Testing password strength
Who can see what we do online?
Friends, family, future employers, law enforcement, etc. Ask yourself, “Would I want my mother to see this? My grandmother?” Once something is posted online, it can NEVER be recalled. Applies to sending pictures/text messages
The internet is a great place to learn and have fun, but make sure you are protecting yourself!
Is it a good idea to set your Facebook Privacy settings so everyone can see your profile? No, because potential online predators could see your information
What does the “s” in https stand for? The “s” in https stands for secure
Should you use the same password for all your accounts online? No, because if someone discovered your password, they could gain access to all of your accounts
Who should you have as friends on Facebook? Friends, Family and people who you know outside Facebook
If there is an ad online for a free X-box, iPad or Laptop, should you sign up for it? No, because you most likely will not win anything except spam in your Inbox
What should you do if you receive a suspicious looking ? Do not open the or any attachments and delete it
What is the name of the football player who is famous for being catfished? Manti Te’o
What are cookies, and not the delicious snack of course? Bits of data sent from a website stored on your web browser while surfing a website
How long should your passwords be? Over 8 characters in length, and include numbers and special characters