The Rotary Foundation Mission Statement: The Mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, good will and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.
The Rotary Foundation Definition: The Rotary Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that receives contributions and distributes funds in support of approved humanitarian and educational activities that are implemented through Rotary Clubs and Districts.
The District 5170 Rotary Foundation Committee Our Purpose: To enable Rotarians, through their clubs, to engage in activities that support the Mission of The Rotary Foundation
The District 5170 Rotary Foundation Committee Two Activities: Fund Development Grants
Fund Development – Ways to Give Unrestricted: Annual Fund Restricted: – Polio (RI signature project) – Permanent Fund (endowment) – Peace Centers Restricted or Unrestricted: Bequests (Legacy Society)
Lead by Example Create a culture of giving in your club! Become a Paul Harris Society member Get your Board to do the same Encourage Every Rotarian Every Year
The New Funding Model In the past: - Contribute $100 to Annual Fund $50 to World Fund $50 to District Designated Fund (DDF) -Funds are invested for 3 years – earnings used to fund administrative expenses -After 3 years, $50 returned as a DDF credit to the district -$50 remains in the World Fund and used to match funds in Global Grants
The New Funding Model On July 1, 2015: -Contribute $100 to Annual Fund $45 to World Fund $50 to District Designated Funds $5 to Reserve
The New Funding Model On July 1, Cash Contributions to Global Grants will be subject to a 5% cash management fee DDF = 1:1 match Cash = $.50:1 match -If cash contribution is $10,000, it will be matched with $5,000 from the World Fund and be subject to a $500 cash management fee
The New Funding Model An Example – Global Grant of $42,000 -District Designated Funds (DDF)$15,000 -Matched by World Fund$15,000 -Cash from club $8,000 -Matched by World Fund $4,000 -Cash Management Fee (5%) $400 Project Total Financing$42,400
Let’s Talk DDF What is it? How do I get it? Why is it useful?
Doing Good in the World
What is DDF? District Designated Funds Foundation Giving DDF
How Much DDF Does My Club Get? It depends on how much your Club gives to the Foundation! Your Club’s Foundation Giving Divided by District 5170 total Foundation Giving
How can my club spend DDF? Global Grants District Grants
DISTRICT vs GLOBAL District – quick and easy to solve short term problems. NO MATCHING BY TRF Requires: Rotarian Involvement Host Club if International Global – more focused for a longer term solution 100% MATCHING BY TRF Requires: Rotarian Involvement Host Club Area of Focus Sustainable Measurable Results
Your Job as President-Elect 1.Foundation Giving Goals in My Rotary 2.Club Qualification MOU 3. Spending Plan
Thank you! Cecelia Babkirk, Foundation Chair (408) or (408) Georgie Hildebrand, Grants Chair (831) or (831) X222