By Rhett Price
Speed of sound depends on density Correlation between speed and density Not as fast as light speed Also affected by pressure and temperature Positive correlation between them
Wave - simple energy through an object. Top of wave called crest Wavelength - Distance between crests. Picture on bottom equals one wavelength Wavelength correlates with frequency Some wavelengths too short or long to hear
Frequency – Cycles within a set time. Measured in hertz and kilohertz 1kHz equals 1,000 Hz. Speed = frequency x wavelength. Vibrations below human hearing is infrasound. Vibrations above human hearing is ultrasound.
Corresponds how wave is compressed Measure of positive or negative change Amplitude and measure of energy positive correlation Effect different in liquids
Can be reflected from surfaces Can undergo diffraction around obstacles Undergoes refraction when passing through different media. Media – States of matter. Waves can interfere with each other.
Pleasant sound has regular wave pattern Noise has irregular wave pattern Deep pitched waves are slow High pitched waves are fast
Description of the ear’s perception of sound Only doubled with 10-fold increase in intensity Related to Sound Intensity, not Intensity Sound Intensity – sound power per area Measurement of the intensity of sound in air
Distinguishable lyrics of a tone Determined by harmonic content of the sound
Whenever an object in vibrates it makes a wave This makes sound Sound can be made in all states of matter Many types of vibrations, some not obvious
Sound Waves vibrate your ear drum Goes to your inner ear Changed to nerve signals you sense Can also feel sounds Mechanical devices that detect sounds Such as a microphone Vibrates an electrical membrane Then amplified and recorded
Measurements of sound pressure More sound pressure a sound has = more damage over time
Wave – Simple energy through an object. Frequency measured in hertz and kilohertz Sound is created by vibration.