What can you remember about obesity? List 4 diseases linked to obesity Give 2 reasons why the number of obese people is increasing What units are used to measure the amount of energy in food? What do we call the speed at which you can burn off sugar in your body? What can affect a person’s metabolic rate? What types of people will need more energy? What types of people will need less energy?
Cholesterol Cholesterol is a chemical made in the _ _ _ _ _. A small amount comes from the _ _ _ _ we eat. It travels around the body in the _ _ _ _ _, attached to chemicals called lipoproteins Some is needed to make cell _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _hormones and anti-_ _ _ _ _ hormones.
Liver Tissues HDL (high density lipoprotein) carries cholesterol LDL (low density lipoprotein) carries cholesterol Made when you eat saturated fats (lard, butter, animal fat etc) Made when you eat unsaturated or polyunsaturated fats (olive oil, sunflower oil etc)
Check Point What type of substance is cholesterol? Fatty/waxy How can your body obtain cholesterol? In your food and made by the liver What is cholesterol needed for? Make cell membranes, sex hormones, stress relieving hormones In what form is cholesterol carried around the body? Lipoproteins Which lipoprotein is ‘good’ in that it protects against heart disease by removing cholesterol from the blood vessels? HDL
Effects of Cholesterol on blood vessels Healthy artery has a stretchy wall and a space in the middle for blood to pass through Cholesterol increases the chance of plaque building up in the wall. This reduces the space for blood to flow. The plaque slows the blood down, and a clot may form. If the clot breaks away it can block a smaller blood vessel.
Diagram showing plaque build up due to cholesterol Damaged blood vessel due to plaque build up
Affects of Arteriosclerosis When blood vessels become completely blocked the tissue it is supplying can not get the necessary nutrients to survive so it dies. This can result in loss of digits. Blocked artery supplying a limb
Affects of Blockage in Blood Vessels Supplying the Heart
Check Point What type of substance is cholesterol? Fatty/waxy How can your body obtain cholesterol? In your food and made by the liver What is cholesterol needed for? Make cell membranes, sex hormones, stress relieving hormones In what form is cholesterol carried around the body? Lipoproteins Which lipoprotein is ‘good’ in that it protects against heart disease by removing cholesterol from the blood vessels? HDL
Statins Statins are a new type of drug. They lower bad (LDL) cholesterol Good pointsBad points
Salt Too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. Fast food and microwave meals contain a lot of salt.
Summary of Obesity Lessons 20 mins reading time. What is obesity? How is it measured? Can you interpret data from graphs and tables? What is metabolic rate and what affects it? What causes obesity? How effective are diets and other weight- loss techniques?