Chapter 5 Network Computing. Agenda Functions Feasibility Analysis.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 5 Network Computing

Agenda Functions Feasibility Analysis

Network Functions Discovery Communication Collaboration

Discovery Internet, Web –Software agents, intelligent agents –Data warehouse and data mining Characteristics –Open –Resourceful –Efficient –Dynamic

Communication Internet, Intranet, Extranet Real-time, no distance Voice, data, video

Collaboration Groupware, Group decision support systems, (GDSS), Intranet, Extranet –Workflow systems: administrative, purchasing, production, etc. –Screen sharing –Productivity, quality, timely

Agenda Functions Feasibility Analysis

Enterprise Networking Goals Connectivity Portability Interoperability Scalability Others?

Network Feasibility Technology –Hardware –Media –Software –Protocols Operation –Horizontal, vertical, both –Culture, level of computing (individual, dept, etc.) Legal – International, interstate Cost/benefit Corporate objectives

Agenda Functions Feasibility Analysis

Network Analysis Open system interconnection (OSI) Type Topology Architecture Transmission characteristic Protocol Interface Media

Network Analysis Lines Carrier Service Security Code Signal

Open system interconnection (OSI) Physical layer Data link layer Network layer Transport layer Session layer Presentation layer Application layer

Network Types Voice or data –Private branch exchange (PBX) –Centrex LAN, MAN, WAN Enterprise –Internet –Intranet –Extranet Public, private

Network Types Valued added –Packet switching –Frame relay –Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) –Integrated services digital network (ISDN) –Digital subscriber line (DSL) –Fiber distributed data interface Virtual private network (VPN) Backbone

Network Types Wireless –Cellular radio technology –Mobile computing –Personal communication system –Personal digital assistance

Network Topologies Token ring Bus Star Hierarchical Web Hybrid

Network Architecture Client/server Peer-to-peer

Transmission characteristics Speed –Bits per second (bps) –Baud rate (Hertz) Direction –Simplex –Half-duplex –Full-duplex Mode –Asynchronous –Synchronous Accuracy –Horizontal –Vertical –Cyclic redundancy checking

Protocols Definition –Rules & procedures for transmission Protocol types –Token passing –Carrier sense multiple access/collision detection –Transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) –Telnet –HTTP

Interface Transmission interfaces –Parallel data transfer –Serial data transfer –Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter Network interfaces –Interface card –Routers –Bridges –Gateways

Interface Modem Multiplexer –Frequency division, time division, statistical time division, wavelength division Front-end processor Concentrator

Network Media Cable media –Fiber optics –Coaxial cable –Twisted-pair wire –Shield twisted-pair wire Wireless –Microwave –Radio –Infrared –Satellite

Network Lines T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 ISDN DSL Wireless

Network Carriers International Long distance Local Wireless Internet service provider

Network Services Types –In-house –Outsource Services –Data –Voice –Video –Wireless

Security Transmission –Hardware –Software Personnel Procedure Inventory Physical & Logical

Others Codes –ASCII –EBCDIC –Unicode Error corrections –ACK: acknowledge –NAK: negative acknowledge Impact –Health, job, organization, social Issues –Ethics, privacy, free speech, copy right, management

Points to Remember Functions Feasibility Analysis

Discussion Questions Why does an organization need a reliable network? What are the general selection criteria for a network? What kind networks are useful to an university such as CSUS? What kind networks are needed by a company such as Intel?

Discussion Questions Design a network system for a university in terms of the following items: –Types –Topologies –Media –Lines –Carrier –Services –Security –Health –Privacy

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