1 Citation Software for Students (or how to use NoodleBIB ) Christine Kickels Associate Professor and Librarian College of DuPage Library 3/30/2006
2 Today we will… □Highlight the benefits □Create an account with NoodleBIB □Generate MLA citations □Print out a Works Cited page
3 Citing is… A way to consistently list the sources you used in your paper
4 Citing is hard because… □Sources come in many forms □books, video, blogs □Interviews, journals □Many rules □Rules incomplete □Often the last step!
5 Citing is easy when… □You know what rules to follow □MLA, APA, CBE, etc. □You have complete source info □Title, author, publication info, etc. □You have the rules available □You have time!
6 NoodleBIB will help you… □Generate, edit, and publish a works cited list □Take care of punctuation, alphabetization and formatting □Allow you to save multiple projects on their server
7 NoodleBIB will not guarantee you an “A” □Keep in mind the guidelines your instructor has given for completing the assignment □When in doubt about the kind of source, just ASK!
8 How do you find NoodleBIB ? Start at Click on “ Citing Sources” Click on NoodleBIB If off-campus, you’ll need your library card Log-in with your Personal ID and Password
9 For more help with citing… □ NoodleBIB offers online helponline help □NoodleTools Knowledge Base □Help and FAQs □Make an appointment with the C.O.D. Writing Assistance Area (IC 3040)Writing Assistance Area □Consult other examples on the C.O.D. Library’s Citing Sources web page Citing Sources □Take home a style manual from the Library □See examples of research papers □