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AGENDA Quality Education – for Chosen few ? How to Bridge the Gap. qfrAZe is here to assist. Basic Model ‘KIKO’. Thank you !
Quality Education – for Chosen few ?
Rohan –Engineering Student I was one of the toppers of my school. The only thing which I love the most after my family, was science. However this didn’t helped me to get in to the prestigious Institutes like I.I.T and NIT. Right now I am studying in an engineering college which is the best in the state mainly due to its ‘old’ infrastructure and after becoming a choice of the bright students from the state.But,I find my faculties to be stuck at the text books and I want to learn more about the science and technology as being taught in the premier Institutes.
Sheetal – Pursuing P.H.D Hi,I am doing my P.H.D on the subject of ‘ Perception and Consumer Behaviour’. I have been looking for the relevant material to study but its becoming a tough nut to crack. Due to financial constraints I am unable to access the online databases,Journals,periodicals and research papers. I really need some assistance !
Kumar- 12 th Pass मेरा नाम कुमार हैं, और मैंने इस बार १२ कक्षा कि परीक्षा पास की हैं ! लेकिन मैं अब आगे पढ़ नहीं पाउंगा, क्योकि मेरे पिता जी बीमार रहते हैं और हमारी ऐसी स्तिथियाँ ऐसी नहीं हैं कि मैं कॉलेज में जा पाऊं ! लेकिन मैं पढ़ना चाहता हूँ बिलकुल वैसे जैसे और लोग पढते हैं और उन्ही अध्यापकों से जो सबसे अच्छे हैं
Million People –Common Need Rohan,Sheetal,Kumar Want to learn Quality Faculty Quality educational resources No or Low cost
How to Bridge the GAP Platform where advance knowledge is available. Knowledge is updated on regular basis. Knowledge is available at low or no cost. People are willing to share the Knowledge resources available to them i.e. Research papers,Journals,articles,Question papers,e- books. Knowledge which is the Best and from the Best.
qfrAZe is here to assist
qfrAZe will act as a resource of quality knowledge and education which is global and accessible at no or low cost.
Basic Concept- ‘KIKO’
Knowledge In, Knowledge out –KIKO qqqq qfrAZe Uploading by users and us Colleges and Universities Researchers Institutions and organizations Pool of Knowledge and educational Resources USERSUSERS Complete cycle of Knowledge generation and consumption process
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