Yousry Armanios, M.D. YARMANIOS@HOTMAIL.COM + The Challenges to Marriage التحديات الخطيرة في الزواج والأسرة St George & St Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church, Montreal, QC Couples Meeting – September 24, 2015 Yousry Armanios, M.D. YARMANIOS@HOTMAIL.COM
اختاروا لأنفسكم اليوم من تعبدون أما أنا وبيتي فنعبد الرب + البيت المسيحي اختاروا لأنفسكم اليوم من تعبدون أما أنا وبيتي فنعبد الرب يشوع 24:15
What God Has Joined Together, Let Not Man Separate” JUST MARRIED! What God Has Joined Together, Let Not Man Separate” (Matthew 19:6) 3
The Ultimate: Marriage! And, Family Life
Love Overcomes the Challenges المحبة لا تسقط أبداً! Love Never Fails! الحب يتغلب على التحديات Love Overcomes the Challenges All Challenges! 6
العشرة تحديات The Ten Challenges الذات حل الإختلافات الترك الالتصاق Our Ego! Resolving the Differences Leaving Intimacy Mammon Boredom Communication Keeping the Boundaries Mutual Trust The New Visitors! الذات حل الإختلافات الترك الالتصاق الماديات الملل التواصل إبقاء الحدود الثقة المتبادلة الزوار الجدد! 7
العشرة تحديات الذات حل الإختلافات الترك الالتصاق الماديات الملل التواصل إبقاء الحدود الثقة المتبادلة الزوار الجدد!
Proper Communication: Both spouses may love each other dearly, but without proper communication, that love goes unnoticed and the result is often terrible and tragic!
We Don’t Communicate Or Miscommunicate Our Feelings When, We Don’t Communicate Or Miscommunicate
How Does It Feel When …?
The Image of God! Communication is about Love! “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. “Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate” Matthew 19:6
1. The Radio: One-Way Communication! 2. “Skype” Two-Ways Communication!
So, How Should We Communicate? 1. Verbal Communication 2. Non-Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication Please Consider … Changing Your Old Stereotypes Improving Your Skills: LISTEN Each Other’s Right for Self-Expression Using Always the “I” Statements!
Verbal Communication Takes Time to Help Us Understand our Differences For women, it’s an end in itself For men, it’s more of a means towards a goal For both, it builds mutual interest and trust
Communication & Listening “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” (James 1:19)
The Assertive “I” Statements Exercise: “I” Feel …! “I” Think …! “I” Believe …! “I” Need …!
2. Non-Verbal Communication Facial Features & Body Language “Other” Four Languages of Love: Time Together! Unexpected (Surprise) Gifts! Silent Help! Messaging: (Dress; Cook; Initiatives …)
Negative Communication Patterns (1) Interrupting Stonewalling Avoiding Ignoring Threatening
Negative Communication Patterns (2) Mind Reading Criticizing Monopolizing/Polarizing Cynicism Passive Aggressiveness
Validation of Feelings: Your Prescription for Success! + Spot the Feeling + Address the Feeling: Examples: “Yes, I understand how you feel”! “You sound like you’re …”! “You look like you’re …”! “There’s something bothering you”!
The Outcome: Problem Solving Many Problems Can Be Avoided If: We Communicate Our Feelings! Many Problems can Be Resolved We Can Communicate Them Right!
اختاروا لأنفسكم اليوم من تعبدون أما أنا وبيتي فنعبد الرب + البيت المسيحي اختاروا لأنفسكم اليوم من تعبدون أما أنا وبيتي فنعبد الرب يشوع 24:15
Finally, Always Remember that: “Love Never Fails”! (1 Corinthians 13)
Thank You Q & A YARMANIOS@HOTMAIL.COM Dr. Yousry Armanios 614-327-8289