Learning Leeds
Overview Welcome / Intro Welcoming Academic Champions Last Meeting Outcomes and Updates BLLTIG Updates Working Together (40 mins) Augmented Reality (25 mins) Social Media (30 mins) Community site and blog Any other business Next meeting
Connecting to new networks: Welcoming Academic Champions
Last Meeting Outcomes and Updates James Little
Last Meeting Outcomes and Updates 1.Links made to JISC Regional Support Centre 2.Links made to Digital Learning Team 3.Invited Academic Champions to join the network 4.Continued contributions to community site 5.Meeting summarised on StorifyMeeting summarised on Storify
Progress on Aims for this year 1.Follow up on activity generated from within and outside the network by posting a write up on the blog - continuing 2.Disseminate information top-down and bottom-up (to schools/faculties and back up to committees BLTTIG, etc) – links with other teams 3.Research into technology enhanced learning. Journal club or writing them. Publish them – who would like to take forward 4.Quarterly Newsletter from useful contributions to blog and meeting (using Paperli?) - 5.Link to academics outside of network – Academic champions to invite 6.Knowing who's who in the network - starting 1.Extended profiles on blog with areas of interest 2.Match membership of list to blog profiles 7.Make clear interests covered in the group (through meetings, blog activities) 8.Phased introduction to blog and features - accelerate 9.Create a genuine Community of Practice
BLLTIG Update Neil Morris
Working Together
Context - Many priority areas and activities for enhancing the student experience: – University-wide (BLSG/TSEB/BLLTIG) – Faculty – School/Department – Specific Projects – Blended Learning and technology approaches
Enhancing Blended Learning in the Faculty of Environment A Faculty Teaching Enhancement Scheme approach Faculty Taught Student Education Committee (has oversight of the overall project and receives TES project updates) Faculty BL Academic Champion and BL Officer (Becky Sellers) working with School contacts (implements BL activity - School level and / or Faculty wide as needed) School Taught Student Education Committee (has oversight of the overall project but has responsibility for individual school contribution and for putting forward ideas/ advice to Blended Learning Committee through Dan and School contacts) Blended Learning Committee (co-ordinates and develops programme of BL activity with the input of School contacts and with advice from FTSEC & STSEC; updates FTSEC and STSEC on progress)
Working Together A discussion about: 1.Getting the best out of working on blended learning projects; 2.Managing advice and collaborative approaches to achieving change; 3.Approaches to working with technology in the context of students and enhancing practice.
Working Together 1.Sharing experience of getting the best out of working on blended learning projects; – Examples of projects – What worked well – What required work to achieve – Recommendations – 10 minutes to discuss:
Working Together 2. Managing advice and collaborative approaches to achieving change; – What techniques and skills did you use? – How did you engage colleagues? – What specific changes have occurred? – 10 minutes to discuss:
Working Together 3. Approaches to working with technology in the context of students and enhancing practice. – How to identify new opportunities – How to successfully implement within a course or programme. – 10 minutes to discuss:
Show and Tell: Augmented Reality James Little Rebecca Sellers
Themed topic: Social Media Michelle Schneider Kirsten Thompson
Community Site and Blog All
Community Site and Blog December Update… Re-branded to ‘TELR’ University of Leeds Technology Enhanced Learning and Research Covers whole areas of University activity #TELR Twitter hashtag to flag and share ideas.
Community Site and Blog December Update… The blog/forums act as communication channels between activities across Learning Tech Network/Digital Learning Team and people in Faculty/School roles. The forums and group areas of the site are for internal UoL discussions and are private. The blog is internal but also outward facing The blog is standalone but will be embedded in the SDDU and upcoming Digital Learning Team websites
Content for the blog - suggestions Training Needs Analysis e.g. POWtoon – New technology releases/discoveries (apps, software, web services) with a guide to starting to use it Hints and tips for specific programmes (or links to useful areas and pages) e.g. e-learning heroes for Articulate How groups currently use technology for their own purposes (case study) – leading onto discussion over similar and alternative approaches. How to generate online interest What Projects are others working on at the University / brief outlines (link to casebook) How-Tos New policies and procedures that affect everyone Briefings and trainings that are coming up Feedback from LT Forum Reports from events and conferences – i.e. MELSIG / WRLT Updates on internal projects (i.e. FutureLearn) Examples of things that you are particularly excited about – new tools / how they’re being used, new tricks in current tools Feedback on how/why a decisions around technology was made – process. i.e. Why Storyline was picked to generate an ebook, impact upon accessibility, platform choice, types of interactivity. Use of technology / products with student feedback Student practices and how we might enhancement (communication preferences / collaboration methods) Innovative examples and papers noticed elsewhere Calls/ Conference alerts (ALTC, etc) Updates on network activities Features technologies / approaches Showcasing other content on the web Sharing sector news Events of interest (internal and external) Social Media Management Calendar of Events Conference visits / training sessions VLE Developments and related products (integrations such as lecture capture) E-Learning Conferences, Blackboard specific Guide to using iPad pedagogically Attendance at Events Tips and tricks... How tos Projects. New policies and procedures info/briefings. Share experiences with each other... Discussion. Links to content repositories. And repositories. Content for student focus... Impact. Student practices.... Communication preferences, Reposting other content to blog. How will this link to case study website. News feeds. Reading online journal club. New research. About section.
Content for the blog – Social Media
Content for the blog Training Needs Analysis e.g. POWtoon – New technology releases/discoveries (apps, software, web services) with a guide to starting to use it Hints and tips for specific programmes (or links to useful areas and pages) e.g. e-learning heroes for Articulate How groups currently use technology for their own purposes (case study) – leading onto discussion over similar and alternative approaches. How to generate online interest What Projects are others working on at the University / brief outlines (link to casebook) How-Tos New policies and procedures that affect everyone Briefings and trainings that are coming up Feedback from LT Forum Reports from events and conferences – i.e. MELSIG / WRLT Updates on internal projects (i.e. FutureLearn) Examples of things that you are particularly excited about – new tools / how they’re being used, new tricks in current tools Feedback on how/why a decisions around technology was made – process. i.e. Why Storyline was picked to generate an ebook, impact upon accessibility, platform choice, types of interactivity. Use of technology / products with student feedback Student practices and how we might enhancement (communication preferences / collaboration methods) Innovative examples and papers noticed elsewhere Calls/ Conference alerts (ALTC, etc) Updates on network activities Features technologies / approaches Showcasing other content on the web Sharing sector news Events of interest (internal and external) Social Media Management Calendar of Events Conference visits / training sessions VLE Developments and related products (integrations such as lecture capture) E-Learning Conferences, Blackboard specific Guide to using iPad pedagogically Attendance at Events Tips and tricks... How tos Projects. New policies and procedures info/briefings. Share experiences with each other... Discussion. Links to content repositories. And repositories. Content for student focus... Impact. Student practices.... Communication preferences, Reposting other content to blog. How will this link to case study website. News feeds. Reading online journal club. New research. About section. Let’s continue…
Groups and Discussions Numerous groups setup Enable people self- creation Continue discussions – transfer some previous from list. Let’s continue…
Any Other Business Nicola Lavery - Learning technologies for research in the NHS exhibition Damian McDonald Lecture Capture and MultiMedia Platform (open presentations that the vendors will be delivering)
Next Meeting(s) Stand at SEC February pm - 4pm GTSC – Who would like to help organise the next meeting? – Suggestions for topics? Informal lunchtime/after work meet up Online meeting – theme based
Thank you Will circulate notes from this meeting via the Blog, Twitter and website.