INTD 55 business practices finding your place in interior design
INTD 55 business practices finding your place in interior design
what it takes to be an interior designer: a profession a career a vocation a lifestyle…not just a job to practice successfully it is important to have a clear idea of what interior design involves what do you think it involves?
what it takes to be an interior designer: design expertise comes from: exposure & experience academic study on-the-job learning problem-solving skills perhaps the most valuable tool of all interior design demands ongoing research: new technologies new product specifications new laws and regulations changes in building, fire & safety codes
personal inventory for prospective interior designers: answer the following questions— 1.How important is interior design to me? 2.What kind of lifestyle do I want to have? 3.Do I have the innate creative abilities to become a successful designer? 4.Am I willing to spend the time and money required for the necessary formal training? 5.How much time do I want to devote to my work? 6.In general, do I like the people in the field enough to work with them?
personal inventory for prospective interior designers: answer the following questions— 7.Do I have the personality to work with any kind of client? 8.Do I enjoy planning and organizing? 9.Am I self-disciplined? 10.Am I self-motivated? 11.Do I have better than average physical and emotional stamina?
5 traditional designer-client relationships: pure designer—provides only professional design services; drawings, documents, purchasing specs agent—placing client’s orders; responsible for managing project merchant—procuring & selling merchandise employee—employed by retail stores; usually paid salary + commission; services may be included or offered at an extra fee contractor—employing workers required to do construction, hang paper, finish surfaces, etc… in CA must carry contractor’s license
working styles: working alone—whatever you want, whenever & whatever speed you choose apprenticeship—exceptionally valuable, working under someone of great talent in order to learn teamwork—can share professional management personnel as well as coming up with better design solutions design associate—associating with larger firms for greater profitability design/build team—partner with architect, engineer, contractor to build complete project
specialization & specialties: acoustic design adaptive reuse airplane design apartment, condo & co-op design aquarium design auditorium design barrier-free design
specialization & specialties: bathroom design beauty and barbershop design CAD specialist closet design code safety design law specialist color consultation commercial design
specialization & specialties: design for children design for vision or hearing impairments display & exhibit design energy conservation design—green ergonomic design faux finishes & stenciling feng shui furniture design
specialization & specialties: geriatric design graphic design hospital design hospitality design interior landscaping LEED design library design
specialization & specialties: lighting & light fixture design liturgical design manufacturer representation museum design party & ball design photography styling product design & display proxemics
specialization & specialties: rendering resort design restaurant design retail store design set design showroom design solar design textile design universal design
specialization & specialties: textile design universal design wallcovering design wayfinding window treatment design
finding your place: with a plan, effort & research all designers have a reasonable chance to find their career niche within design research: what do you want to do? firms or designers that do that? internship, apprenticeship, job… come to the next class prepared to talk about what you have found
measures of success: successful people are always looking ahead to the next project(s) while enjoying what they are currently working on make choices develop an area of expertise be receptive to change—expect & plan for it (change helps to boost creativity) the interior design field demands a much higher level of expertise than ever before