What is our atmosphere made of?
A. Solids B. Liquids C. Gases D. All of the above
_________ ____________(N) % __________(O) _____% _________ ____% CO2, H20, ect Liquids __________ _______(H2O) Solids ___________ Dust, smoke, ash, ect Circulate through atmosphere due to changes in pressure. WHY?? ____________________________________________ Gases 78 Nitrogen Oxygen 21 Other1 Water droplets Particles Due to temperature differences
Majority of Earth’s atmosphere is made up of what gas? A. Oxygen B. Nitrogen C. Other D. None of the above
Therm=heat Extends to edge of the atmosphere High temp Air very thin Artificial satellites
Bottom part of thermosphere Radiation is absorbed Charged particles Radio active waves bounce off Northern/southern lights
Middle layer Coldest layer Meteors burn up here
Ozone layer, O 3, absorbs UV Air planes fly Jet stream Increase in temp
Bottom layer (closest to surface) Layer that surrounds us Where weather occurs Decrease in temp Increase in trapped heat from the surface
Show layers of atmosphere overhead
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