1 Gorge EI Analysis Domain-wide analysis In response to concerns over EI data integrity A QA step Comparison by source type and pollutant * On-Road VOC = Exhaust + Evaporative * Biogenic VOC = OVOC + ISOP + TERP * On-Road PM25 = Brake + Exhaust + Tire * SOX includes SO2, but no double-count Source type is EPA convention: SCC * Area source type includes wildfires Small issues
5 SCC : External Combustion Boilers- Electric Generation- Bituminous/Subbituminous Coal-Pulverized Coal: Dry Bottom (Subbituminous Coal). Boardman shut down on November 10, However, the emissions for show up for 10-Nov-2018 due to temporalizing of the annual emissions.
7 Tons Per Day CONOXVOCSO2PM10PM25PMC August 2018 Colville Reservation Umatilla Reservation Yakima Nation Total November 2018 Colville Reservation Umatilla Reservation Yakima Nation Total Small issues: Locations present in the 2018 episodes but not the 2004 episodes
8 Small Issues continued 2004 Episodes: Nonroad Double-Count * General + Specific Categories Example: SCC (4-stroke lawn & garden equipment, all) + specific 4-stroke lawn & garden categories * Avg. of 1% for NOX, PM25, VOC, NH3, SOX for domain, both 2004 episodes 2004 Episodes: On-Road PM25 Double-Count * Total PM25 + (Brake PM25 + Tire PM25 + Exhaust PM25) * Approximately 3% of 2004 episode domain PM25 All Episodes: Residential Wood Combustion Double-Count * SCC (total: woodstoves & fireplaces) + specific RWC categories * Adds <1 ton per day of any pollutant in the EI