Knowledge-based flexible workflow to support decision follow-ups Carla Valle Fraunhofer FIT - Germany
Outline Introduction The problem The approach of this research Focus Methodology References
Decision Problem GoalPlan Strategic Planning Management Control Operational Control UnstructuredE-CommerceCarreer pathsGrievances Semi-structuredForecastingBudgetingAssignments StructuredDividendsPurchasingBilling Decision Types (Gorry and Scott Morton, 1971) (Balasubramanian, 1999)
Decision-making process Alternative Analysis Problem Recognition Problem Definition Alternative Generation Model Development Implementation Choice (Courtney, 2001)
The problem How can organizations improve the quality of their decision-making processes? Alternative Analysis Problem Recognition Problem Definition Alternative Generation Model Development Implementation Choice
The approach of this research Decision Implementation DocumentsTasks People ProcessesKnowledge
Why is it important? Some decisions are not implemented New decisions or sub-decisions are created There is no documentation about: The implementation process The relation between a decision and the deliverables created The communication exchange and its relation to the decision The lessons learned, considering what was successful and what was not
Propositions Implicit Knowledge Learning with past mistakes and successful stories can improve organizational practices, organizational learning and avoid recurrent mistakes; Explicit Knowledge Formalizing a decision implementation, using a workflow management system, allows planning, tracking and getting warning signals about problems, providing control over a decision implementation ; Technological Support The use of technology in organizing, storing and making available information and knowledge generated during a decision implementation can contribute to improve the quality of future decisions;
Organizational cycle after a decision is made Knowledge Repository Consultation Step 1:Decision made Step 2:Creation ofanexpected plan Step 3:Execution of a plan Step 4: Process Evaluation Possibilities of backward steps The knowledge repository exchange data at any step
System Architecture Workflow Mgmt. System reuse base of mini-processes related to the decisions events, documents, and stories Document Mgmt. Sytem knowlegde repository MEDIATOR USER INTERFACE
Components Workflow Adaptation of processes Reuse of processes Relation of processes to decisions-made Document Management System Documents Events Stories Relation of elements to decisions-made
Components Knowledge Repository Decision Meta-data Annotations User interface Based on user profile Mediator Components integration Knowledge Repository Management (input and output)
Contributions of the approach The integrated view Improve the quality of the process Track of a decision implementation Reuse base of mini-processes related to a decision Evaluation of the quality of a post-decision process Externalization of tacit knowledge
Comparison with other approaches Lotus: Lotus K-station – collaborative portal, create workspace, awareness and real-time chat, who is online, etc Lotus Discovery Server – expertise profiling and location, sophisticated cataloging and retrieval, comprehensive search, knowledge audits Microsoft: Tahoe - is designed to make generating and managing information easier, while providing a rich development environment for collaborative applications. Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server - Uses the Microsoft Web Storage System and many new development features, such as Web Storage System events and forms, workflow engine, content indexing, and search folder. Xerox: Knowledge Broker (Grenoble) – is a software application that helps users look for information in multiple, often incompatible databases. Acting like agents, they search and present information. Knowledge Pump (Grenoble) – is a push methodoloy of sharing knowlegd. Users can join communities that share similar interests. They are connected to each other by a central knowledge repository and . DocuShare – Make knowledge and best practices available to everyone with DocuShare 2.2, the easy, secure, Web-based solution for managing knowledge.
Focus? The use of the system, among other systems people already use Domains Decision types Individuals, groups or organization Integration of different technologies Representations (Decision, Processes, Knowledge) It is related to organizational processes and changes (awareness, CHI, users motivation, collaboration) Knowledge Management goes much beyond technical problems, it involves a lot of social efforts (social impacts, cultural aspects) Mobile technologies
Methodology Revision of the literature Problem definition Proposal definition System development Evaluation Experiments Case studies Usability lab experiences to evaluate different parts of the system
References (Alter, 1980) Alter, S., “Decision Support Systems: current practices and continuing challenges”, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, (Balasubramanian, 1999) Balasubramanian, P, et al., “Managing process knowledge for decision support”, Decision Support System, 27 (1999), (Courtney, 2001) Courtney, J.F., “Decision making and knowledge management in inquiring organizations: toward a new decision-making paradigm for DSS”, Decision Support System, 31 (2001), (De Sanctis, 1987) DeSanctis, G. & Gallupe, B., “A Foundation for Study of Group Decision Support Systems”, Management Science, 33 – 5 (1987), (Gorry and Scott Morton) G.A. Gorry, M.S. Scott Morton, A framework for management information systems, Sloan Management Review 13(1) (Markulla, 1999) Markulla, M. “Knowlegde Management in Software Engineering Projects”. Proceedings of the 11st Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Conference, Kaiserslautern, Germany (1999), (Pfleeger, 2002) Pfleeger, S.L. “Effective Decision-making on Software Projects”. Consulting Report (Power, 1998) Power, D.J., “Web-based Decision Support Systems”, Part I and II. The online Executive Journal for Data- Intensive Decision Support, August 18 and 25, Vol 2. Nos. 33 and 34. (Power, 1999) Power, D.J., “A Brief History of Decision Support Systems”,, World Wide Web Site visited in 30 Jan (Ramesh, 2001) Tiwana, A. and Ramesh, B., “A design knowlegde management system to support collaborative information product evolution”, Decision Support System, 31(2001)