Accelerated breeding of new and improvement of existing cultivated plants varieties
Proposed technology based on identification of tolerant genotypes from the crops populations on marked traits allows fast on the seed level select genotypes with one or a complex traits of interest in one genotype. At that, each trait can be marked on enzymes or seed proteins, correlating directly or indirectly with traits displayed. Advantages of this technique of increase of plants tolerance to unfavorable factors and varieties improvement are obvious. It is elimination of random factor in the first instance. Besides, working with seeds, as the selection process is conducted on the seeds level, it is possible to work the year around, propagating plants in greenhouses in winter season. Besides this technique is not time-consuming what is of no small importance while improvement of existing or breeding of new crops varieties, and doesn’t require expensive equipment. This approach is applicable for all crops.
Biochemical marking allows: to accelerate breeding process two-three times to accelerate breeding process two-three times to increase tolerance of varieties to diseases to increase tolerance of varieties to diseases to increase tolerance to salinity to increase tolerance to salinity to increase tolerance to drought to increase tolerance to drought to increase frost-resistance to increase frost-resistance to increase earliness of varieties to increase earliness of varieties to increase inclination to natural early leaf-fall to increase inclination to natural early leaf-fall to estimate purity of variety on seed material to estimate purity of variety on seed material to conserve good varieties in production lastingly to conserve good varieties in production lastingly to prognosticate a yield of heterotic hybrids to prognosticate a yield of heterotic hybrids to increase oil content in seeds to increase oil content in seeds to evaluate cotton fiber type to evaluate cotton fiber type to stabilize hybrids from the first generation to stabilize hybrids from the first generation
Evaluation of varietal purity Cotton variety before marker selection on varietal purity
Variety improved on purity
Protein marker of tolerance to salinity
Tolerance to salinity Development and selection of tolerant to salinity genotypes
Selection for tolerance to drought and to salinity Complex isozyme markers selection of tolerance to drought and salinity from the cotton seed material Complex isozyme markers selection of tolerance to drought and salinity from the cotton seed material
Selection for tolerance to Verticillium Wilt Isozyme marker selection of tolerant to wilt genotype from the seed material