Are you using health data effectively? John O’Connor Head of Performance Management Children’s Services
A bit about Lincolnshire 4 th largest county Rural (very) 6,000 square km Two-tier authority 673, 530 residents 149,174 children under 19 APA rated ‘good’ 377 schools Selective education 506 children in public care Huge variations in locality outcomes
Do we use health data effectively? Effective –Day to day practitioner use Ineffective –System integration Inefficient –Bulk data sharing
Barriers & solutions Engagement Knowing who to talk to Knowing what exists Caldicott Guardian & legal interpretations Commissioning/contracted services Integrating systems National ‘Health’ service?
Example - Current MMR vaccination rates are 10% lower than the herd immunity recommendation
What have we done so far? Educational provision and GP offer Local area agreement and Children’s Plan Needs assessment Contract/commissioning register Shared training and development days
A few quick ideas GP registration database Performing licenses Outcome based commissioning Absence from school
Any questions?