7 th Grade Language Arts
Definition: to identify similarities between two or more items For example: Both the Huskies and the Cougars are sports teams in Washington. The word “both” is called a signal word.
Definition: To identify differences between two or more items For example: The Huskies play for UW while the Cougars play for WSU. The word “while” is another example of a signal word.
Just like with cause and effect, when you want to show a compare and contrast relationship between two items, you can use signal words. For example: Whales are mammals. Zebras are also mammals. “Also” indicates there is a similarity (comparison). Whales live in the ocean. On the other hand, Zebras live on land. “On the other hand” indicates a difference (contrast).
ComparisonContrast Signal Words (These are just examples—there are others!) Both Also Alike Similarly In the same way In addition Additionally As well Have in common While Although However Instead On the other hand Whereas Unlike On the contrary Even though
One way to explore a compare/contrast relationship is by using graphic organizers like the Venn Diagram It looks like this: Traits that are unique item #1 go here Traits that are unique item #2 go here Traits that are the same for both items go here Item #1 Item #2
For example: Cars Airplanes Cars travel on land Many people own their own car They are smaller than airplanes Airplanes fly in the air Few people own their own airplane They are larger than cars Both Mostly of metal Contain an engine Can carry passengers
A tree diagrams is used to compare and contrast according to categories It looks like this: CategoriesItem #1Item #2Item #3 Category #1 Category #2 Category #3 Category #4
For Example: Category CherryAppleCantaloupe Size SmallMediumLarge Shape Round Outside Color RedGreen or redTan Inside Color RedWhiteOrange Taste Tart/sweetCrisp, tart or sweet Sweet Texture SquishyFirmFirm outside/squishy inside
Choose two items to compare and contrast; you can use the list below to help you choose a topic. Use one of the diagrams (Venn or tree) to show the similarities and differences. Dogs vs. Cats Football vs. Soccer Caterpillars vs. Butterflies Seattle vs. Renton Pizza vs. Burgers Pepsi vs. Coke Tacos vs. Burritos Justin Bieber vs. One Direction Edward vs. Jacob