Weekly Agenda: October 5-9, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
Warm up: Return QPA’s Go over each question Where does this class stand-mean, median, mode, and range?
eh Work Session: Students will work on skills that need improvement from the Q.P.A.
Period: 19 students Performance LevelNumber of StudentsPercentage Advanced421 Proficient1053 Basic421 Below Basic15 Far below basic00 Stats from QPA for 1 st
Stats from QPA 2 nd period 24 students:
Stats from QPA 3rd period 27 students:
Stats from QPA 4th period 26 students: Performance Level# Students% Students Advanced1765 Proficient935 Basic00 Below Basic00 Far Below Basic00
E.Q.~ Based upon my test results, did I prepare well enough? If not, what do I need to work on to avoid making the same mistakes in the future?
Closing: Revisit literary terms via Quizlet: 1literary-terms-flash-cards/
W Homework: Study vocabulary words on Quizlet. Complete any missing assignments given to you by Mrs. Hargrove
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Warm up: EQ: How do inferences add meaning and interest to an autor’s work? Videos on plot diagram
Lesson: Identifying the elements of plot diagram- Power Point and notes Using Aladdin to identify Plot Diagram: g2Lr4 g2Lr4 Have student begin thinking about how plot diagrams can be used to tell the story of their own lives.
Work Session: Read Tribute to the dog. Page 93 of textbook.
TOD: Re-read lines and answer question 4 on page 96. Turn in when finished
Homework: Complete worksheet on Edmodo Study for plot structure and vocab
Wednesday,October 7, 2015
Warm up: EQ: Why is the author’s purpose important? Strengthening skills from QPA Video on author’s purpose
Lesson: Revist plot structure and have students draw their own plot diagrams of situations in the story of their lives. Draw in their INs.
Work Session: Author’s purpose Identify the claim Look for evidence from text
Work Session: What, if any, is the couter argument? Evaluate the author’s effectivness at convincing the reader.
Homework: Complete worksheet on Edmodo Study for plot structure and vocab
Exit Slip: Plot diagram in student IN.
Thursday,October 8, 2015
Warm up: EQ: Do I need to understand plot structure? If so, why? How does it affect the work? Group assessment over skills from QPA
Lesson: o Presto Video and notes for IN =DA_eRSdUfaE&list=RDDA_eRS dUfaE#t=36
Homework: Study for plot structure and vocab
Closing: Exit Slip- page 96, complete #’s 1, 3, 4. Place on the Brown cart.
Friday,October 9, 2015
Warm up: EQ: Do I need to understand plot structure? If so, why? How does it affect the work? Quick Review
Lesson: o Discovery Video and Notes
Closing: Introduce book talk Explaination of rubric and expectations
Homework: None! Have a great weekend!