Analyzing the Short Story
Review the plot… Using the cards, play “fan & pick” with your group. Keep playing until all of the cards have been correctly answered.
A Sound of Thunder—Cause and Effect Identify the cause and effect relationship in the sequence of events in this story. The first and last event are filled in for you. Eckels signs up for a safari to the past We hear “a sound of thunder”
Get out your “plot” and “foreshadowing” flashcards Draw a picture on each of the two cards that depicts the term. For example, on my presentation I placed a plot graph on the “plot” card and a picture of Hansel and Gretel leaving crumbs behind on the “foreshadowing” card.
Using your book and your flashcard, complete the “Frayer model” worksheet analyzing the foreshadowing in “A Sound of Thunder.” Definitions Write the definition as it appears in your glossary or on your flashcard. Characteristics Think of characteristics of foreshadowing (why authors use it, how it helps the reader, etc.) Find examples of foreshadowing in the story “A Sound of Thunder” Examples Draw a picture of your vision of foreshadowing that occurred in the story “A Sound of Thunder.” Illustration Foreshadowing
Consider how this story would change if it were told from a different point of view. Red group: Travis Orange group: one of the other safari members Yellow group: man behind the desk Green group: the T-Rex Blue group: Lesperance Purple group: the butterfly Brainstorm ways the story would have changed and what details might have been added or left out if the point-of-view had revolved around your character.
Make a plot graph with the elements on which your character would have focused.
Draw pictures that would indicate your character’s focus on the plot.
Create a Frayer model that depicts the foreshadowing that revolves around your character. Definitions Write the definition as it appears in your glossary or on your flashcard. Characteristics Think of characteristics of foreshadowing as it appeared in the story (why it was used, etc.) Find examples of foreshadowing in the story “A Sound of Thunder” that involves your group’s character Examples Draw a picture of your vision of foreshadowing that occurred in the story “A Sound of Thunder” that involved your character Illustration Foreshadowing