Sinai University Faculty of Engineering Science Department of Basic science 30 October
مقدمة عامة 1- التعريف بأستاذ المادة Ahmed Mohamed El-Lawindy Mob Mob الحديث عن مستوى الطلاب بوجه عام 3- مميزات الجامعات الخاصة 4- نصائح 5- نظام مواعيد المحاضرات والمعامل والسكاشن ( التعاقد ) ( التعاقد ) ( التعاقد ) 30 October
معلومات عامة 30 October
4 Course name: Physics I Course code SGS 121 Text references 1- Physics for biology and premedical students, Burns 2-Halliday-Resnick-Walker- Fundamentals of Physics, 7 th ed 3- Internet sites E.M. E.M. Lecturer: Prof Ahmed Mohamed El-Lawindy
30 October What is Physics ? TOOL: The fundamental laws used in developing theories are expressed in the language of mathematics, the tool that provides a bridge between theory and experiment. Physics: is based on experimental observations and quantitative measurements. The main objective of physics 1- Find the limited number of fundamental laws that govern natural phenomena, e.g. Gravitation law Electrostatic Law Gas law 2- Use them to develop theories that can predict the results of future experiments. Rotational motion- Coulomb's Law- Magnetic Induction …. etc d
30 October Frame work/ time table Ch1 Introduction+ units and dimensions W1 26/9/2010 Ch2 Thermal properties W2-W3 Quizzes W4 Ch3 Optical properties W4-W5 Quizzes W6 Revision + Midterm exam W6, Ch4 Mechanical properties W6-W8 Quizzes - W9 Ch5 Modern Physics W9 Quezzes W10 Ch6 Laser physics W10-W11 Revision W12-13 Final exam W14 subject Week/2h Starting Date subject Week/2h Starting Date
Assessment 15% 15 marks class work 5% 5 marks Pre. term exam 1 5% 5 marks Pre. term exam 1 10% 10 marks Mid term exam 2 10% 10 marks Mid term exam 2 20% 20 marks Lab. Works 20% 20 marks Lab. Works 50% 50 50% 50 50% 50 marks Final year exam 50% 50 marks Final year exam 100% 100 marks total 30 October
Class works and Laboratory 1-Assignments/tutorials every week 2-Quizzes every two weeks 3-Experiments 1 every week Assessment: (lab works+ sheet + attendance+ Final examinations) 30 October
Course objectives At the end of this course, students will be able to: 1- Define and understand some physical quantities such as Materials properties, optical, mechanical, thermal, and etc….. 2- Illustrate different phenomena related to these subjects. 3- Analyze simple phenomena in physics. 5- Use the gained information to understand some biological and medical effects and applications 6- Link the course with future applications 30 October
Method of Learning 1-Text books/printed matter 2- Power points illustration 3-Internet websites 4-Class works, laboratory(Real and Visual experimentation), tutorials, Quizzes and reports 5-Exams 30 October