1 ML fun x -> e e 1 e 2 0, 1, 2,..., +, -,... true, false, if e then e else e patterns datatypes exceptions structures functors let f x = e variables These slides were originally created by Prof. Sungwoo Park at POSTECH.
2 What lies in the core of ML? fun x -> e e 1 e 2 0, 1, 2,..., +, -,... true, false, if e then e else e patterns datatypes exceptions structures functors let f x = e variables ?
3 Candidates? booleans and if/then/else integers lists variables functions and function applications datatypes patterns structures functors...
4 Core of ML fun x -> e e 1 e 2 x
5 calculus
-Calculus Kangwon National University 임현승 Programming Languages
7 Outline Brief history Abstract syntax of the -calculus Operational semantics of the -calculus Substitutions Programming in the -calculus
Liebniz’s Ideal Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz ( ) 8 1)Create a “universal language” in which all possible problems can be stated. 2)Find a decision method to solve all the problem stated in the universal language.
9 Can one solve all problems formulated in the universal language? Need a formalization of the notion of “decidable” or “computable”
Two Models of Computation -Calculus (Church 1936) Turing machine (Turing 1937) 10
Calculus (1936) Alonzo Church ( ) 11 Minimalist Three expression types: x [variables] x.e [anonymous function] e 1 e 2 [function application] Foundations of functional languages: Lisp, ML, Haskell, etc.
Turing Machine (1937) Alan Turing ( ) 12 A hypothetical device that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules The first accepted definition of a general-purpose computer Foundations of imperative languages: Java, C/C++, C#, Fortran, Pascal, assembler languages, etc.
13 calculus is Turing-complete fun x -> e e 1 e 2 x Turing machine calculus =
Everywhere Not only in FPLs… C++ 11 C# Java 8 Javascript PHP Python Scala Apple Swift 14
15 Outline Brief history V Abstract syntax of the -calculus Operational semantics of the -calculus Substitutions Programming in the -calculus
16 Syntax for a Programming Language Concrete syntax program = string of characters specifies rules for parsing. –operator precedence –associativity –keywords, * (2 * 3) 1 + (2 * (3)) Abstract syntax abstracts away from details of parsing. focuses on the high-level structure of programs. suitable for studying the semantics
17 x –variable –z, s, t, f, arg, accum,... x. e – -abstraction – x = formal argument, e = body – fun x -> e e 1 e 2 –application –left-associative (as in OCaml): e 1 e 2 e 3 = (e 1 e 2 ) e 3 e 1 e 2 e 3 e 1 (e 2 e 3 ) Abstract Syntax of the -Calculus
18 Examples
19 Outline Brief history V Abstract syntax of the -calculus V Operational semantics of the -calculus Substitutions Programming in the -calculus
20 Semantics of Languages Answers "what is the meaning of a given program?" –ML has a formal semantics. –What about C? Three styles –denotational semantics –axiomatic semantics –operational semantics The 1990s saw the renaissance of operational semantics.
21 Operational Semantics Specifies how to transform a program into a value via a sequence of operations Program Value P2P2 operation PnPn... let rec fac = function 1 -> 1 | n -> n * fac (n - 1) in fac 4 24
22 Operational Semantics of -Calculus Specifies how to transform an expression into a value via a sequence of reductions Expr Value E2E2 reduction EnEn...
23 Values and Reductions
24 Reductions redex = reducible expression : -reduction
25 _____ = Redex
26 _____ = Redex
27 Reduction Not Unique So we need a reduction strategy.
28 Reduction Not Unique So we need a reduction strategy.
29 Call-by-name Call-by-value
30 Call-by-name Call-by-value
33 Call-by-name Call-by-value Used in Haskell Lazy or non-strict functional languages The implementation uses call-by-need. Superb! Used in OCaml Eager or strict functional languages Superb! (fn x => 0)
34 Outline Brief history V Abstract syntax of the -calculus V Operational semantics of the -calculus V Substitutions Programming in the -calculus
35 Values and Reductions redex = reducible expression : -reduction
36 Call-by-name Call-by-value
37 [e' / x] e Informally "substitute e' for every occurrence of x in e." Examples
38 Easy Cases First
39 Two Remaining Cases
40 First (stupid) attempt Second attempt But wait:
OCaml Analogy 41 let f = fun x -> fun x -> x ? fun x -> fun y -> y ≡ Example f 3 4 → ([3/x](fun x -> x)) 4 ≡ (fun x -> x) 4 → 4
42 Names of bound variables do not matter. Hence –for a fresh variable y, Bound Variables
43 One Remaining Case
44 A Naive Attempt An anomaly: something for y
45 Free Variables Variables that are bound nowhere FV(e) = set of free variables in e
46 Free Variables Remain Free From the point of view of an outside observer, a free variable remains free until it is explicitly replaced. outside observer ? variable capture
47 Capture-Avoiding Substitution What happens if –the free variable y is captured and becomes a bound variable. –To an outside observer, it suddenly disappears!
48 Substitution Completed
49 We have to rename bound variables as necessary. Capture-Avoiding Substitution in Action
50 Renaming bound variables when necessary Okay because the names of bound variables do not matter. Examples
52 Last case of substitution
53 Outline Brief history V Abstract syntax of the -calculus V Operational semantics of the -calculus V Substitutions V Programming in the -calculus
54 A boolean value –"Give me two options and I will choose one for you!" Syntactic sugar Booleans
55 Examples Under the call-by-name strategy,
56 Logical Operators
57 Natural Numbers A natural number n –has the capability to repeat a given process n times. –"Give me a function f and I will return f n = f o f... f o f "
58 Church Numerals
59 Addition Key observation:
60 Multiplication Key observation: Alternatively
61 Recursive Functions in -Calculus Plan of attack 1.Assume a recursive function construct 2.Rewrite it as an expression in the -calculus i.e., show that it is syntactic sugar. fun f x. e
62 Plan of attack 1.Assume a recursive function construct 2.Rewrite it as an expression in the -calculus i.e., show that it is syntactic sugar. Example: Factorial
63 fac to FAC
64 FAC produces a new function from f
65 Now we only need to find a fixed point of:
66 Fixed Point Fixed point of function f V such that V = f (V) Ex. f (x) = 2 - x fixed point of f = 1 1 = f (1)
67 Magic Revealed Fixed point combinator / Y combinator (call-by-value) fix F returns a fixed point of F.
68 Now we only need to find a fixed point of: Now we only need to compute:
69 Answer