PIMSE Opening Day
Agenda PIMSE Meeting Agenda WPI June 1, 2012 Greeting – How have you used ASSISTments? Intro to PIMSE-GK12 & Expectations PIMSE at your School, Math and Science Evaluation Fellow’s Research Summer Work Communication - Edmodo
Greeting FIRST Login to your ASSISTments Account, find a problem set number you want to share. How have you used ASSISTments? Tell us about using that Problem Set. 2 nd year fellows too. NEXT Make student accounts at 1stASSISTments School and do some of the problem sets. Fellows Too.
How did we get here What is GK-12 PIMSE: Partnership Implementing Math and Science Education
PIMSE Expectations 1 Develop a classroom routine that incorporates ASSISTment and the fellows teaching. This will be highly personalized. – Example: Fellow works with students who do not demonstrate understanding of the learning goals. – Example: Fellows work with students who do demonstrate understanding of the learning goals. – Example: Fellows teach a lesson in response to data collected that hour or for homework. Each team of teacher and fellow will determine which classes he or she will work with on a regular basis. Year Two Fellows: Share what you did last year.
PIMSE Expectations 2 Teachers and Fellows will meet to plan the lesson for the day. Either that morning or a previous day. Fellows will report on the meeting and the lesson in a weekly log. Teachers will observe the fellows teaching once a month to help them reflect on their teaching. Twice in the year there will be a videotaped formal observation. Fellow will give an interactive presentation of their work to the students.
PIMSE Expectations 3 Teachers will learn from their fellow how to use technology beyond ASSISTment. – Google Docs – Electronic white Boards – Face Book? Google? Edmodo? – Who knows what else Students will be inspired to study technology and other STEM areas.
Break Lets all go outside and get a group photo! Tour of the Lab
PIMSE at your School What are you thinking of doing? Science Micro-worlds: Meet with Janice and Fellows. Platform: Follow the protocol to have a discussion about ideas of what to do.
Teachers will be paid Hourly for time outside of school. – Meetings/Workshops – Building content – Meeting with fellows to lesson plan after school – Working with the development team. See Tricia’s Packet PIMSE work
Evaluation Logs Formative Assessment is the overarching theme of the fellows logs. Monthly Mentoring PIMSE Fellow Weekly Log Exemplary Teaching Practices
Break Fill out forms for Tricia. W9
Fellow Research Fellows SHORT presentations of research. Skyler Whorton Corey Belhumeur Joshua Bodah Juelaila Raziuddin Doug Salent Bryan Hobbs Michael Wixon
Summer This summer you can work up to 40 hours. Be sure to sign in. DO this on the official Summer Work Clip-board. Develop ASSISTment classroom routines. Fill your folders with content
Communication Wiki Find our Page Learn Now Training/Events (do you want to join us?) Edmodo Make an account Share what you think your routine will be.
Study Ask not what ASSISTments can do for you but what you can do for ASSISTments. – Do you want to be able to prove to administrators and parents that what you are doing is beneficial – Do you want your name on a publication?