What to do… Pick up all the papers on the front table. Take a seat. Begin working on your Choice Board Activity by writing the date, question, and the answer. Begin filling out Guardian Contact Sheet. Sit and talk quietly with classmates.
Welcome to Mrs. Howard’s Visual Arts Class
Fire Drill Stand up, push your chair under the table, and line up beside the sink. Walk out the door and through the double doors leading out to the soccer field. Stay in a single file, silent line while on the soccer field. One student will hold the green card in the air.
Tornado Drill Students will stand up, push their chair under the table, and line up at the door. We will walk out the door and turn left. You will get down into the tornado drill position against the left hand side of the hallway. You will remain silent for the entire tornado drill.
Lockdown All lights will be turned off, all blinds shut, and the door will be closed and locked. We sit in a line across the sinks quietly. One sign needs to be placed under the classroom door and on an outside window.
Hallways In order to provide a safe environment for ALL students at CMS, we will walk DIRECTLY without stopping in a SILENT SINGLE file line on the DESIGNATED SIDE of the hall to every destination in a TIMELY manner while RESPECTING each other's personal space and school property with or without supervision.
What to do when I come in the classroom… Get your folder –6 th : red –7 th : yellow –8 th : blue Complete Choice Board Activity Write date and question, then answer Sit quietly until class has started or discuss the Choice Board Activity with your neighbor
What to do when leaving the classroom… One person will be chosen to collect folders. Make sure your table and floor areas are cleaned of all trash. When your name/ table is called stand up, push your chair under the table and line up in a straight line beside the sinks. REMEMBER HALLWAYS ARE SILENT DURING ACADEMIC HOURS!!!
Movement in the classroom Ask: –To leave the room. –To use computers and other eqipment –To open drawers and supply closet –To change seats Don’t Ask: –To throw away trash –To sharpen pencil –To begin working on your project
Rules of Class Be Honest *Tell the truth in all situations. Be Responsible * Take care of supplies * Clean up duty is for everyone * Sit in assigned seat Be Polite * Don’t talk when others are talking. * Be quiet in the hallways. * Keep your hands and feet to yourself. * Raise your hand before speaking * Listen quietly and follow directions Be Prepared * Always have sharpened pencils. * Always get warm-up folder and begin work. Be Your Best * Never stop trying. Follow all rules and regulations in Student Handbook.
Consequences 1st consequence: verbal warning 2nd consequence: cool down pass and parent call 3rd consequence: cool down pass, parent call, and team conference 4th consequence: cool down pass, parent call, and parent conference 5th consequence: office referral/ D-1
What am I going do and learn? Art History/ Reading Printmaking Three- Dimensional Clay Paper Mache Weaving Pastels Oil Chalk Drawing Charcoal Pen and ink Pencil Painting Acrylic Watercolors
What Mrs. Howard expects… Pay attention and do not talk while Mrs. Howard is talking Always ask questions if you do not understand an assignment Work together as a group
What is next? Elements and Principles of Design Worksheet 1.When the teacher calls out an element or principle of design draw your representation of that item. 2.Use multiple colors and media to create an interesting composition.