Introduction to Grammar L/O: to revise/learn the basics of grammar to revise/learn the basics of grammar to focus on the noun to focus on the noun Key terms: Grammar – the set of structural rules that controls the way language works. There are 3 aspects to grammar: word class, syntax and morphology word class = define the roles that each word can play in a sentence word class = define the roles that each word can play in a sentence syntax = the set of rules that control where each word class can appear in a sentence syntax = the set of rules that control where each word class can appear in a sentence morphology = describes the construction of individual words morphology = describes the construction of individual words
Word Classes: there are 8 main word classes (or parts of speech) which are categorised by the function they have in a sentence. Word ClassFunctionExample Nouns‘naming’ wordsLondon, book, love AdjectivesDescribe nouns/pronounsLarge, happy, thick Verbs‘doing’ wordsJump, sleep, think AdverbsDescribe verbs (and sometimes adjectives and other adverbs too) Happily, sadly, silently PronounsTake the place of a nounYou, they it, me, him Connectives/ conjunctions ‘connecting’ wordsBut, so, and, however, because, as PrepositionsDefine relationships between words in terms of time, place and direction Before, through, on, under, by, at DeterminersGive specific kinds of information about a noun (quantity or possession) A, the, two, his, few, those
1. Label each word class in the sentence below 2. Categorise the list of words, according to word class, in the grid 1.He watched as she crossed the road in her short skirt and high heels. 2. ATeacherIs AppearsDignifiedLarge BecomesDoorModerately ShopBedroomEvery HarbourOutstandinglyVery EnormousSellsFrightening RatherUntidyHis SlowHelpfulAngry
1.He watched as she crossed the road in her short skirt and high heels. Pronoun, verb, conjunction, pronoun, verb, determiner, noun, preposition, pronoun, adverb, noun, conjunction, adverb, noun. 2. Nouns: shop, harbour, teacher, door, bedroom Adjectives: enormous, slow, dignified, untidy, helpful, large, every, very, frightening, angry Verb: becomes, sells, is Adverb: outstandingly, moderately, very Pronouns: his Conjunctions: - Prepositions: - Determiners: a, his
Let’s talk about nouns, baby Copy and underline the nouns in the sentences. How did you work out they are nouns? What is the difference between the nouns? Challenge: identify the other word classes in the sentences 1.Tentatively, she opened the book. 2.I have always wanted to live in Canada. 3.What was this he was feeling - love or hate? 4.She had never been one to follow the ‘herd’.
Nouns Nouns can be divided into categories: Nouns Proper: Names of specific people (Ms. Elgie), places (Canada) or brands (Primark) Common: Concrete – things you can physically touch or see or taste (apple, table, swing) Abstract – concepts (truth), states (lonely), qualities (honesty), emotions (love) Collective – groups of people, animals or things (team, bunch, herd)
Using the text I’ve given you… Underline and label all of the nouns. Which is the most common type of noun? How are the different types of nouns being used in this text to affect readers?