Grammar Race!
What is a sentence? Sentences express complete thoughts; they have a subject and a predicate. Subjects are nouns or pronouns (or phrases used as nouns) that tell who or what the sentence is about. Predicates tell about the subject… what the subject does or did, is or was.
What are the four kinds of sentences? Declarative sentences make statements. EX: The cat was black. Interrogative sentences ask questions. EX: What will you do this weekend? Imperative sentences make requests or demands. EX: Run! Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions (they exclaim). EX: I’m awesome!
What are the parts of speech? Noun – Person, place thing, or idea. Pronoun – Takes the place of a noun. Verb – Shows action or being. Adjective – Tells about a noun or pronoun. Adverb – Tells about a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Preposition – Shows the relationship of one word in the sentence to another word. Conjunction – Joins words or parts of sentences together. Interjection – Shows strong feeling or emotion.
What are the three ways to structure a sentence? Simple sentences have a complete subject and a complete predicate. Compound sentences have two or more simple sentences that are joined by a conjunction or a comma. Complex sentences have a simple sentence and a dependent clause. (Don’t worry about clauses… we’ll get to that later).
What do the words singular and plural mean? Singular = One Plural = More than one
What are the punctuation symbols? Apostrophe ' Brackets and Parentheses [ ] ( ) { } Colon : Comma, Dash/hyphen - Ellipsis... Exclamation Mark ! Period. Question Mark ? Quotation Marks " " ' ' Semicolon ; Slash /