CINEMATIC TECHNIQUE COURSE OVERVIEW Motion Picture Production, Distribution, and Exhibition Chapter 1, Film Art Genre Overview Chapter 4, Film Art Film Technique Chapter 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
CINEMATIC TECHNIQUE Genre ( zhan-rah) A way of classifying or grouping films that leads to analysis of various kinds The “Western”; the “Romance”; the “Epic”; the “Horror” “similar, familiar or instantly-recognizable patterns, syntax, filmic techniques or conventions - that include one or more of the following: settings (and props), content and subject matter, themes, period, plot, central narrative events, motifs, styles, structures, situations, recurring icons (e.g., six- guns and ten-gallon hats in Westerns), stock characters (or characterizations), and stars” (
CINEMATIC TECHNIQUE Genre : Examples HORROR CONVENTIONS Music: use of minor keys, discordant notes Setting: use of large empty spaces Acting: edgy, hyper-expressive, over-the-top Cinematography: point-of-view, use of wide angle lenses to exaggerate perspective
CINEMATIC TECHNIQUE Genre: Functions Familiarity with conventions provides viewers a visual shorthand to access the meaning being communicated. Industry can track genres by popularity and target certain genres more than others - some examples??? Ritualistic in nature, these conventions help viewers affirm cultural values. Allow for “ambivalent social values” - the celebrated “Godfather” is ultimately a criminal, yet we can empathize with his character. Helps filmmakers quickly channel contemporary public attitudes into established story-lines - example from current cinema???
CINEMATIC TECHNIQUE Genre: Other Useful Concepts Subgenre: gross comedy, heist thriller, more examples??? Genre mixing: The marriage of conventions drawn from different genres - e.g. sci-fi/fantasy meets thriller in Back to the Future, or fantasy meets comedy in Big Discussion questions at the end of chapter, p 127.
CINEMATIC TECHNIQUE Genre: Assignment! Based on the author’s definition of genre and genre- conventions, write a 2-page (double-spaced) Genre Analysis of a favorite movie. You may use the questions provided at the end of the chapter as helpful guidelines in creating your mini-essay. Due date: Feb 15, before class starts.
CINEMATIC TECHNIQUE COURSE OVERVIEW Motion Picture Production, Distribution, and Exhibition Chapter 1, Film Art Genre Overview Chapter 4, Film Art Film Technique Chapter 6, 7, 8, 9, 10