Slide 12.1 Chapter 12 Implementation
Slide 12.2 Learning outcomes Produce a plan to minimize the risks involved with the launch phase of an e-business application Define a process for the effective maintenance of an e-business system Produce a simple web page with links to other pages Create a plan to measure the effectiveness of an e-business application.
Slide 12.3 Management issues What actions can we take to minimize the risks of implementation? How do we achieve transition from previous systems to a new e-business system? What techniques are available to measure the success of our implementation?
Slide 12.4 Implementation The creation of a system based on analysis and design documentation.
Slide 12.5 Implementation Activities The creation of the system modules by coding and scripting Module integration Testing and changeover to the live system
Slide 12.6 Maintenance Phase Commences after system is live
Slide 12.7 Dynamic e-business application The application is continuously updated in response to competitive forces.
Slide 12.8 Maintenance Activities Involves measurement of an information system’s effectiveness and updating to correct errors or introduce new features necessary to improve its value to the organization.
Slide 12.9 Relationship between analysis, design, implementation and maintenance
Slide System implementation issues Acquisition techniques Site implementation tools Content management and updating System changeover Localization Evaluation and monitoring.
Slide Figure 12.1 Sequencing of implementation and maintenance for the dynamic e-business application
Slide Acquisition Method Defines whether the system is purchased outright or developed from scratch.
Slide Systems acquisition options Bespoke development. The e-commerce system is developed from scratch. Off-the-shelf (packaged). An existing system is purchased from a solution vendor. In the e-business context this approach is often achieved by external hosting via an applications service provider. Hosted Solution. Standard software that is managed externally on the supplier’s server. Tailored off-the shelf development. The off-the-shelf system is tailored according to an organization’s needs.
Slide Development of web-based content and services Static web content Dynamic web content Knowledge of HTML- creating a simple HTML page Forms Page Layout
Slide Figure 12.3 Possible web page layout options
Slide Developing Dynamic Web Content Scripting Languages Client side scripting Server side scripting JavaScript, VBScript, Perl, ASPs,.Net
Slide Figure 12.5 Using scripting to produce dynamic web content for form processing
Slide Testing Has 2 main objectives: To check for non conformance with the business and user requirements To identify bugs or errors
Slide Test Specification A description of the testing process and tests to be performed.
Slide Testing Type of testing Description Developer tests Code level tests performed by developers of modules Feasibility testing Tests a new approach, often near the start of a project to make sure it is acceptable in terms of user experience Module (component) tests Checks individual modules have the correct functionality i.e. correct outputs are produced for specified inputs (black-box testing) Integration testing Checks interactions between groups of modules System testing Checks interactions between all modules in the system Database transaction taken Can the user connect to the database and are transactions executed correctly Performance/capacity testing Tests the speed of the system under high load Usability testing Check that the system is easy to use and follows the conventions of user-centred design described in Chapter 11 Acceptance tests Checks the system is acceptable for the party that commissioned it Content or copy testing Tests the acceptability of copy from a marketing view
Slide Different tasks involved in maintenance 1.Write 2.Review 3.Correct 4.Publish(to test environment) 5.Test 6.Publish( to live environment)
Slide Figure 12.6 A content update review process
Slide Figure 12.7 Typical structures of an e-commerce site steering group
Slide Management issues with maintenance Deciding on the frequency and scope of content updating Process for managing maintenance of the site and responsibilities for updating Selection of content management system Testing and communicating changes made Integration with monitoring and measurement systems Managing content in the global organization.
Slide Measuring and Improving Performance of e- business Systems 1.Create performance management system 2.Define the performance metrics framework 3.Tools and techniques for collecting metrics and summarizing results
Slide Figure 12.8 A summary of the performance measurement process
Slide Figure 12.9 The five diagnostic categories for e-marketing measurement from the framework presented by Chaffey (2000)
Slide Figure Attrition through e-commerce site activities
Slide Tools and techniques for collecting metrics Collecting site visitor activity Hit Log file analyser Page impression Unique visitors
Slide Figure Examples of different measures of visitor volume to a web site
Slide Selecting a web analytics tool The types of data that need to be integrated within the performance management system: Operational Data Tactical Data Strategic Data Web Analytics tool should integrate various data sources.
Slide Figure Different types of data within a performance management system for Internet marketing
Slide Summary Implementation is an iterative process of managing changes involving analysis, design, testing and review as part of an evolutionary prototyping process. Maintenance is a continuous process of monitoring, assessing required changes and then implementing them using evolutionary prototyping.
Slide s Simple web pages are developed in static HTML. Most e-business systems require dynamic pages that are implemented using client- and server-side scripting, of which the most popular are JavaScript and ASP.
Slide Testing has two main objectives: first to check for non conformance with the business and user requirements, and second to identify bugs or errors. There are many specialized techniques to test either part of the system or all of the system.
Slide Content management requires a clearly defined update process and responsibilities according to different types of changes required. Measurement also requires process and responsibilities and also a measurement framework.
Slide Selection of appropriate web analytics tools is important to assess the effectiveness of e- commerce.