Copyright 2005 Digital Enterprise Research Institute. All rights reserved. Triple Space Computing TSC Reto Krummenacher
2 1.Why Triple Space Computing? 2.TSC Project 3.Technology Facts and Figures
3 Why Triple Space Computing?
4 Triple Spaces embody a communication paradigm for anonymous, asynchronous information exchange through publication that ensures the persistency and unique identification (URI) of the communicated semantic data, particularly tailored to machine-machine interaction patterns. Why Triple Space Computing?
5 Web site: Start date:March 2005 End date:August 2007 Duration:30 months Number of partners: 4 Number of WPs: 6 Number of deliverables:19 TSC Project Thonhauser Data Engineering GmbH
6 WP1: TSC Framework Conceptual model, general framework, guidelines WP2: Interoperability and Architecture Component design, middleware, implementation plan WP3: Prototype Implementation and validation of prototype WP4: Case Study WP5: Dissemination WP6: Project Management TSC Project
7 Technology Facts and Figures: Idea
8 Triple Space publish read take
9 Technology Facts and Figures: Architecture Coordination Infrastructure based on Super-Peer System Server, Heavy Client, Light Client No Client-Server but Consumer-Producer System TS Kernel
10 TS Kernel Technology Facts and Figures Conceptual Model of Space and Data TS Kernal Architecture and Layering
11 RDF Triples: fundamental Semantic Web data model RDF Graph: a set of “manually” grouped triples Named Graph: a pair (URI u, RDF Graph g) Technology Facts and Figures: Conceptual Models Triple Space: a virtual unit of the shared middleware Triple Space URI: the identifier of a Triple Space Triple Space Domain, e.g. sub obj
12 Technology Facts and Figures: TS Kernel write, read, take, query, update, subscribe, advertise based on - URIs - Templates (SPARQL, N3QL) - Named Graphs setPermissions, createUser, deleteUser, createRole, deleteRole, addUserToRole based on - Named Graphs - Meta Graph add, remove mediation rules based on - RDF Triples - URIs
13 Technology Facts and Figures: Coordination CORSO: Shared Object Space
14 write(URI ts, Graph triples):URI read(URI ts, Template template):Graph take(URI ts, URI graph):Graph subscribe (URI ts, Template t, Callback c):URI advertise (URI ts, Template t):URI … Technology Facts and Figures: Interaction API URI Graph (RDF Graph) Template Callback Template: { ?s rdf:type d:Project ; d:helper [foaf:name “Reto Krummenacher“]. } Triple and Graph Pattern from SPARQL/N3QL
15 Technology Facts and Figures: Interaction API
16 Triple Space Computing: new communication and coordination paradigm for machine-machine interaction. Outlook and Conclusion TSC project: proof of concept through prototype implementation and use case analysis with Semantic Web service. Technology: re-arrangement and combination of established Web technology and Shared Object Space middleware. AS-IS: conceptual and architectural guidelines and implementation plans. TO-BE: prototype implementation and showcase
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