ELE22MIC Lecture 18 The AVR Sleep Modes The ATMEGA128’s Timer System Clock Sources The 8-bit Timer 0 Modes Clear Timer on Compare match (CTC) Two Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) modes Fast Pulse Width Modulation Phase Correct Pulse Width Modulation
8-bit Timer/Counter 0 The ATMEGA128 contains 4 timer modules. The Bilby is the device we use in lab sessions: an ATMEGA128 on a PCB. Each module has a selection of possible clock or oscillator sources: I/O Clock, System Clock The Bilby’s main crystal is 7.3728MHz, An External low-power crystal connected to TOSC1 & TOSC2 pins.
8-bit Timer/Counter 0 The Bilby’s main crystal is 7.3728MHz, ATMEGA128 Current consumption with the main oscillator running is in the order of 5mA. The Bilby’s low-power crystal connected to TOSC1 & TOSC2 pins. The Bilby’s low power crystal is 32768Hz The ATMEGA128 has sleep modes where only this counter remains active. Total current consumption with a 32768Hz crystal clock running, in power-down sleep mode, is around 200nA (all other subsystems switched off).
Modes of Sleep - Sleep Depth
Modes of Sleep - Clock Domains
Power-Save Considerations Every enabled CPU feature consumes extra current. For example the Bandgap voltage reference consumes 10uA current. The ultra-low power-down sleep mode power consumption can only be achieved IF the features can be switched off.. We can then achieve ultra-low power operation - suitable for miniature battery operation.
Timer / Counter 0 Main Features: Timer/Counter0 is a general purpose, single channel, 8-bit Timer/Counter module. The main features are: Single Channel Counter Clear Timer on Compare Match (Auto Reload)
Timer / Counter 0 Glitch-free, Phase Correct Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) Frequency Generator 10-bit Clock Prescaler Overflow and Compare Match Interrupt Sources (TOV0 and OCF0) Allows Clocking from External 32 kHz Watch Crystal Independent of the I/O Clock
8-Bit Timer Block Diagram
8-Bit Timer Block Diagram
8-Bit Timer Counter Unit Block Diagram
8-Bit Timer Output Compare Unit
CTC Mode Timing Diagram
Fast PWM Mode, Timing Diagram
Phase Correct PWM Mode, Timing Diagram
Stepper Motor