Marketing Yourself
Finding Leads »Job Lead - information that leads you to a job opening »Want Ads »Internet »Networking »Direct Employer Contact
Want Ads »Want Ad - written advertisement for a job. »Only 15% of jobs are advertised in newspapers
Internet »Web site that specializes listing jobs. »Allows you to search by geographic location and job type »Web site of a company that you’d like to work for.
Networking »Networking - the process of making connections with people in the work world. »Goal is to meet people who are as excited about your career area as you are
Where to Network »Career, technical student, professional organizations »School guidance counselor »Family, friends, neighbors »Should go on throughout your career
Direct Employer Contact »Letter of Inquiry - express interest in working for the company, highlight your qualifications, ask if there are job openings. »Should be addressed to the person most likely to hire you.
Letter of Inquiry »Why are you interested in a particular company? »What type of job are you looking for? »What strengths and talents would you bring? »Ask for an appointment to visit the person to discuss your job possibilities.
Direct Employer Contact »For some entry-level jobs (sales rep, fast-food server) stop in and fill out an application »It’s not advisable to show up and ask to speak with someone about a job.
Things you need to do: »Fill out an Application »Application Letter »Turn in a Resume – no matter what »Call and Check status »Interview »Thank You Letter »Call and Check (if necessary).