Introducing AusVELS Copyright © Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, State Government of Victoria, 2012
Snapshot of AusVELS 11 Levels from F to 10 Learning Areas (domains) Strands Content descriptions Achievement standards Work samples Cross Curriculum Priorities (CCPs)
Key points for AC English Three modes viewed as Reading and viewing, Writing, and Speaking and listening includes the relevant ‘strands’ of Literature, Literacy and Language Achievement standards written for each mode (or ‘strand’) at each level 3
Key points for AC Mathematics Organized around three content strands Number and algebra, Measurement and geometry and Statistics and probability and four proficiency strands, similar to current VELS Maths Working mathematically dimension Achievement standards are written for each level (not for each strand) 4
Key points for AC History Two strands Historical knowledge and understanding and Historical skills Content descriptions and Achievement Standards included for F - 3 History includes Depth studies for Levels 7 to 10 Content descriptions for each level for Historical knowledge and understanding but across two levels for Historical skills Achievement standards written for each level F- 10 5
Key points for AC Science Three strands Science Understanding, Science as a Human Endeavour, Science Inquiry Skills Science Understanding organised as Biological, Chemical, Earth and space, Physical sciences Content descriptions and Achievement standards included for F-3 Content descriptions written for each level for Science Understanding but across two levels for Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry Skills Achievement standards written for each level F-10 6
What’s to come General Capabilities- not currently included in the AC AusVELS learning areas Remaining Australian Curriculum Learning areas Senior secondary Further examples of student work samples to assist assessment Advice on reporting requirements refer VCAA Notice to Schools No. 62 May 2012
Resources Planning documents riculum/planning.html riculum/planning.html Scope and sequence Work samples Learning area specific online sessions
Contact Ann Osman Manager AusVELS Unit