How Responsible and Respectful are you in the Computer Lab Created for the Students At Donaldson By Mrs. Jones
When you are using the computer which should you do? Be very careful. Drink and eat while using the computer. Don’t worry too much. If it breaks, it’s not your fault.
You are right! You should always be very careful when using the computer. The computer can break and you want to make sure that nothing happens to it. Always listen carefully to your teacher and if you aren’t sure about something, ASK. Go on to the next question!
That is not right! Never eat or drink while using the computer. You could spill a drink on the computer and you could get food on the computer. It is very important to take care of the computer and make sure nothing happens to it. Please try again.
That is not right! You need to always be careful when using the computer. Never put anything in the computer unless your teacher tells you to. Always follow all directions. If you are fooling around and something happens to the computer, you could get in trouble! Please try again.
If you see someone changing something on the computer, what should you do? Don’t do anything.Tell your teacher. Ask the person how it was done so you can do it too.
You are right! Whenever you see someone changing something on the computer, you always want to tell your teacher. It is the right thing to do. If you didn’t tell your teacher, you could get into trouble too. Go on to the next question.
That is not right! By not doing anything, you could get in trouble as well. You saw something that was not correct and didn’t tell anyone about it. Please try again.
That is not right! If you were to ask a friend how to make a change on the computer so that you could do it too would get you and the person in trouble. Never make a change on the computer unless your teacher tells you to. Please try again.
When you are on the Internet, can you go wherever you want to go? Yes No
You are right! You cannot go wherever you want to go. You need to go to places where your teacher tells you to go. Your teacher wants to make sure that you don’t go anywhere on the Internet that may not be safe. Go on to the next question.
That is not right! You need to listen to your teacher. Going anywhere on the Internet that your teacher has not given you permission to go could get you into a lot of trouble. Be safe and only go to places where you are told are safe. Please try again.
When you are on the Internet and you are asked for your name and other information, what should you do? Tell your teacher. Type in the information.
You are right! It is not all right to type in information about yourself while you are on the Internet. You have no idea who is asking you the information. You should always be careful when you are asked your name and tell your teacher. Go on.
That is not right! It is not all right to type in information about yourself while you are on the Internet. You have no idea who is asking you the information. You should always be careful when you are asked your name and tell your teacher. Please try again.
CONGRATULATIONS! You know how to be safe on the computer! You also understand that it is important to be responsible! Take the test again!