Reading for gist
Skills building 2: Reading for gist Reading for gist catch the gist or the main point focus on descriptive words or expressions or expressions
EntriesMain PointsThe words telling the writer’s mood The first diary entry The second diary entry The third diary entry The fourth diary entry Reading practice Today has been a great day. We had a Maths test and I’m nervous about my result. I failed the Maths test and don’t know how to tell my parents. All that worrying was for nothing. happy tired, afraid and nervous upset very happy ; glad
Step 2 Read the thank-you letter and answer: and answer: 1What is the gist / the main point of this thank-you letter? Christina wrote to thank George for his help and good advice on her problems with her mum.
True or False 1.Christina wrote to George for advice. 2.Christina’s mum wanted her to spend more time at home. 3.George’s advice was helpful. 4.Christina and her mum will listen to ‘Talk time’ together every week. 5.Christina’s mum missed talking with her. 6.Christina’s dad took her and her friends out to dinner. 7.Christina was never friends with her mum. F T T F T F F to thank him. spend one day a week with each other. Christina’s mum
Phrases: (task) Phrases: (task) 1. 为 … 感到自豪 2. 获得好分数 3. 进行数学测验 4. 熬夜 5. 为 … 感到紧张 6. 考试失败 7. 毕竟 8. 把 … 与 … 混淆 9. 得最高分 10. 就 … 向 … 征求建议 11. 听取某人的意见 12. 带 … 出去吃饭 proud of 2.get good marks 3.have a maths test 4.stay up nervous about the test/exam 7.after all 8.mix up…with 9.get the top score 10.ask for one’s advice on/about 11.take/follow one’s advice 12.take…out to dinner
1. 在历史上 2. 不予考虑,搁置一边 3. 别着急,慢慢来 4… 正如某人在 … 中写 5. 对 … 吹毛求疵 6. 坚持做 … 7. 在 … 8. 看见了认识某人 9. 在视线内看见 / 看不见 10. 在度假 11. 浪费时间做 … 不遗余力地 14. 建议某人应该做谋事 in history leave sb aside take your time as sb wrote in find fault with sb insist on doing in a proper situation know sb by sight in sight/ out of sight be on vacation waste time doing sth leave sb doing spare no time to do I suggest that sb should
( 第 4 期 ) Unit 2 预习专练 1.vacation 2.surprise 3.explaining 4.leave 5.charge 6.unpunished 7. arguments 8.fault 9.spared 10.suggested Unit 2 词汇专练 一. 1.scene 2.surprised 3.regular 4.spare 5.checked 6.sight 7.ordinary 8.waste 9.nearly 10.view 二. 1.left 2.chatting 3.explaining 4.(should) share be trusted 6.unpunished 7.reasoning 8.bend 9.fight 10.forbidden 三. 1.surprising 2.surprised 3.surprise 4.scenery 5.sight 6.scene 7.check 8.tested 9.regular 10.usual Unit 2 语法专练 (A) 一. 1-5 /DDBC 6-10 DADBC
二. 1.on which which whom 4.of which ] 5.through which 6.about whom 7.with whose 8.of which 9.of which 10.for which 三. 1.which 前加 in 2.where 改为 that 3.which 改为 them 或去掉 but 4. 去掉 in which 改为 where Unit 2 单元基础 一. expected; flew; followed; charge; what; garbage; disappointed; behavior; unpunished; deserve 二.1-5 DCCBB 6-10 DABDB 三. 1.finding fault with in which 2.Now that as much 3.insist on eating so much 4.left in charge of while 5.are supposed to be by 拓展练习 4 答案 1.had left 2.are not used send 3.owing 4.adopted 5.facing; to burn up 6.has been Going off 7.finishing find;tied 9.reading; moved 10.has passed away; graduated
( 第 5 期 ) Unit 2 词汇专练 (B) 一. 1-5 DACCA 6-10 AACBD 二.; supposed to 2.going out 3.will be in charge of 4.staying up crazy 6.turn up 7.doesn’t; any more though hard on 10.insisted on Unit 2 句型专练 一. the place where 2.she could peel an apple which I stayed 4.from whom 5.all/everything that 6.are eager/anxious to 7.shouldn’t be left unpunished;have;bought;with 9.whose;were crossed 10.think;he will respect 二. 1. 第一个 which 改为 that; 改 I 改为 yours 4.that 改为 what 5.other 改为 another 6. 第二个 the 去掉 7.obeys 改为 obey 8.craz 改为 crazy 9.How 改为 What 改为 were
Unit 2 语法专练 (B) 1-5 BCDAB 6-10 ABDCD BDCBC CAD Unit 2 单元基础训练 (B) 1-5 CAABB 6-10 CACAA 1-5 AACDA 6-10 BCDDB ADADA 1.thought;be trusted 2.surprise; earlier than expected 3.hard on;After all 4.insisted; behavior;go unpunished 5.listening to top music 四版阅读训练营 Harvard Square Bookstores 1-5 CBDAC 6-10 CBDCB DCDBB 16-20ABBAB Learn to Communicate with Others 1-4 DCBD Changing Bodies and Minds 1-5 CBDC