読解問題の基本 6 種 Hidetoshi Saito 齋藤英敏
目的:中学校の教科書に基づいた 6 種類の基本的読解問題を理解する。
Red Demon and Blue Demon 1 Once upon a time, Red Demon and Blue Demon lived in the mountains of Japan. Red Demon wanted to be friends with children. So he put a board in front of his house. He wrote these words on the board: “Open house. Please come in.” But everyone was afraid of him, so no one came in. One day, Blue Demon had an idea for Red Demon. Red Demon listened to it and said, “That’s a good idea, but you may have a hard time.” “Don’t worry,” Blue Demon said. Then, they went to the village. Some children were playing in the village. Suddenly, Blue Demon came. He shouted, “Get out of here, or I’ll kill you!” The children were afraid and cried, “Help us!” Then, Red Demon came and shouted, “Go away!” Blue Demon whispered, “Hit me. It’s okay.” Red Demon hit Blue Demon and Blue Deon ran away. “Thank you for saving us. You’re very strong and kind. Let’s play together!” the children said. They went to Red Demon’s house and played together.
Red Demon and Blue Demon 2 A few days later, Red Demon went to Blue Demon’s house to thank him. Red Demon found a letter on the door. “Dear Read Demon, I’m happy you have many new friends now. I want to see you again, but I’m afraid I’ll scare your new friends. So, I’ll go far away. I’ll always be your friends. Good-bye, Blue Demon” Red Demon cried. He never saw Blue Demon again.
Reference 次の文を完成させる語を書きなさい。 1) In the second paragraph, “it” refers to________ 以下の下線部が指すものを下の括弧のなかから 選びなさい。 2) “Then, they went to the village.” ________________________ ( the 9 th line ) “Thank you for saving us.” ______________________ (the 16 th line) (Friends, Blue Demon, Red Demon, Children, Everyone in the village)
Vocabulary/expressions/idioms in context (Paraphrase) 1 次の下線の語句の意味に近いものを選びなさ い。 3) “Open House. Please come in.” a) Only children in the village can come. b) Everyone in the village should go. c) Anyone in the village is welcome.
次の下線の語句の意味に近いものを選びなさ い。 4) “Once upon a time, Red Demon and Blue Demon lived in the mountains of Japan.” a) Long time ago, b) Once in a while, c) So often, Vocabulary/expressions/idioms in context (Paraphrase) 2
Detail (Specific Information) & Inference (implied detail) 次の問いに英語で答えなさい。 5) Why did Red Demon put the board in front of his house? 6) Why did Red Demon hit Blue Demon? 7) Why did the children become friends with Red Demon?
Main idea 次の文を完成させる最も適切なものを選びなさ い。 7) The main idea of this passage is about a) friendship between Blue Demon and Red Demon. b) how to become friends with everybody. c) a good relationship between children and demons.
Function (Meta-linguistic information) 青鬼の手紙は話の中でどんな役割がありま すか?以下から最も適切なものを選びなさ い。 a) 援助への感謝 b) 別れの挨拶 c) 無礼の謝罪
Beyond-the-text 次の問いに英語で答えなさい。 9) What does this story suggest? 10) After reading the letter, if I were Red Demon, I would tell Blue Demon that:
Ordering based on the story 次の絵を話の内容に合 うように並び変えま しょう。
© 日本言語テスト学会 齋藤英敏 ( 茨城大学) References Brown, H. D., & Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language assessment: Principles and classroom practices (2 ed.). White Plains, NY: Pearson.