QUESTIONS Question are devided into 3 kind of question, those are : An Information Question Yes or No Question Tag Questions (Question Tag) An Information Question is a question that ask for information by using question words like : what, who, where, and how. Yes or No Question is a question that must be unswered by Yes or No. Tag Questions is a question to make sure what the speaker said wether right or not.
FOR EXAMPLE QUESTIONS Example 1 (Information Questrions) : What is she doing? Where did she buy a computer? When will you buy a new printer? How do you go to this campus averyday? What does she do if she wants to activate an excel software? What does he do if he wants to make a program? Example 2 (Yes or No Questions) : Did you see a computer in supermarket yesterday? Do you know what a copumputer is? Do you know what a printer is? Dou you like laptop? Are you a programmer? Printer is one of an example of peripheral unit, is it an output device? Example 3 (Tag Questions) : Mr. Doni maintains a database, doesn’t he? The database is maintained by Mr. Doni, isn’t it? Printer is not the same as scanner?, is it? Visual Basic is a computer progamming language, isn’t it? You will not use a computer when you are sleeping, will you? Printer is one of an example of peripheral unit, is it?
QUESTIONS Complete these sentences below : Mr. Doni maintains a database, ............? The database is maintained by Mr. Doni, ................? Printer is not the same as scanner?, ................? Visual Basic is a computer progamming language, ................? You will not use a computer when you are sleeping, ...........? Printer is one of an example of peripheral unit, ............?
READING COMPREHENSION EVERYDAY USES OF COMPUTER (computer usage in our everyday life) Computer are parts of our everyday lifes. They have an effect on almost everything you do. When you buy groceries at a supermarket, a computer used with laser and barcode technology to scan the price of each item and it will present a total price (total amount) that is appeared on the screen. Barcodeing items (such as clothes, food, and books) requires a computer to generate the barcode and maintain a database inventory. Most television’s advertisement and many films use infographics that is produced by computer. In hospitals, beside terminals connected to the hospital’s main computer server, it allow the doctors to type in order for blood test and to scedule operations. Banks use computers to look after their customers’ money. In libreries and book shops, computers can help you to find the book you want as quick as possible. Exercise : Make some statements, questions and answers base on that topic above.
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