1 GOES-R Air Quality Proving Ground Leads: UAH UMBC NESDIS/STAR.


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Presentation transcript:

1 GOES-R Air Quality Proving Ground Leads: UAH UMBC NESDIS/STAR

2 Air Quality Proving Ground Concept  Air Quality application team was the first team to propose this concept at the May 14 – 17, 2007 GOES-R annual meeting. Given below is an excerpt from the briefing:  Interaction with users »Form user advisory group for air quality products –AQ forecasters and real time monitoring agencies »Conduct survey on data formats and visualization »Conduct survey on data priorities. For example imagery vs quantitative retrievals

3 What is an Air Quality Proving Ground?  Regional test sites for which air quality issues are well understood and well known. Key pollutants are ozone and particulate matter (O 3, PM 2.5 )  Sites need to be well instrumented for in situ, profile and column measurements  Sites need to be regionally representative of unique air quality issues (non-attainment) that GOES-R will observe in North America  Sites should all advance our ability to tie GOES-R observations to numerical prediction and surface monitoring so that regional forecasters (state and local agencies) can have a value added tool to daily prediction of tomorrow’s “Chemical Weather” Four sites are already functioning with NOAA partnership that can qualify for the proving ground concept: UMBC, CCNY, Mayaguez (PR), and UAH

4 End Users of the Proving Ground  Maryland Department of Environment  New York Department of Environmental Conservation  Alabama Department of Environmental Management  State and Regional Air Quality Forecasters  California Air Resource Board  Huntsville weather office  Sterling weather office  Environmental Protection Agency  USDA/USFS VIEWS/Western Governor’s Association  Academia

5 Sources of Near-Real Time Satellite Data  MODIS daytime RGB imagery (Terra and Aqua)  OMI aerosol products  GOES-12 Imagery  GOES-12 fire and smoke products »Subjective Hazard Mapping System »Objective products determined from automated algorithms  CALIPSO (expedited quicklooks)  GOES-R* RGB Color composite imagery every 5 minutes  GOES-R * aerosol maps superimposed on visible imagery every 5 minutes * GOES-R only from AWG simulation files

6 Additional Satellite Products for comparison/interpretation  GOES fire locations  MODIS fire locations  GOES AOD maps and animations (IDEA product)  MODIS daytime aerosol maps (10 x 10km) (Terra and Aqua)  MODIS daytime AOD maps with trajectory guidance (10 x 10km) (Terra plus Aqua) from NOAA IDEA

7 In-situ Products  PM2.5 from AIRNow and AIRNowTech (KML maps)  AERONET AOD values (GSFC) Diagnostic Tools:  AERONET microphysical and radiative parameters (delayed until Level 2.0 processing completed)  Ground-based Lidar profiles (PBL height, backscatter) from GALION/REALM/USAQ (“Smog Blog”)  IMPROVE/Federal speciation data sets (retrospective analysis)

8 Predictive Models  NWS CMAQ regional forecasts »Ozone in all layers in the troposphere »PM2.5 in all layers in the troposphere  Trajectories Future as available:  CMAQ runs with assimilated satellite data »Ozone in all layers in the troposphere »PM2.5 in all layers in the troposphere

9 Product Delivery  Phased approach of product integration into application tools, as prioritized by end user group (see next slide), using: »AWIPS »METAR »VIS5D »McIDAS-v »Dynamic Websites? »Freeware products (Google Earth) ? Currently NWS is providing an enhanced suite of products and data in KML format. Increasing likelihood

10 Training/Evaluation To determine whether the End User group understands the AQ Proving Ground suite of tools, we will conduct training, evaluation and feedback sessions with the users.  Curriculum development for NOAA Air quality products (Remote Sensing courses)  ½ day and extended training sessions for end users  Evaluation/benchmarking of the value of AQ Proving Ground (I.e. do the new tools change the forecaster’s way of doing business?)  Feedback to product developers - new tools, desires?

11 Conceptual timeline from start date Deliverable  Proving Ground definition and kickoff meetings (0 – 3 months)  Templated server applications at NESDIS (3 – 6 months)  GOES-R AWG products integrated into existing suite of tools »One product at a time (6 – 9 months)  Demonstration to end users (one year)  Redesign/documentation (two years)

12 Process  UMBC will work with Sterling weather office and Maryland Department of Environment  UAH will work with Huntsville weather office and Alabama Department of Environmental Management  NESDIS/STAR provide satellite data and IDEA model runs. CMAQ regional runs available through NWS. Other CMAQ runs/experiments (data assimilation) will be made by NESDIS/STAR and UAH  UMBC, UAH, NESDIS/STAR jointly work with EPA  Other NOAA partners such as CCNY will be brought into the process after the initial phase of the AQ proving ground is rolled out