Technology and Funding Question 1 (Chapter 4): Funding for technology in the school library is often difficult to obtain from local tax sources. Research the grants available for school library technology in your state and prepare a presentation that could be used for your school board to describe these sources and how the funds would be used for technology. It is important for your school board to understand how the technology will help the students, not just the school library as a whole. By C.Tate
Funding for Local School Technology Technology funding is necessary for schools in integrating technology into instruction. Technology funding serves as a resource support for teachers and students. In addition, technology funding as resource support of librarians.
Available Grants and Funds for Technology Resource The Montgomery County school system received technology funding of 1 million dollars to purchase smartboards. a. 361 classroom teachers were able to purchase smartboards. b. The cost of each smartboard was $2,700. ( _school_to_use_1_mi.htm)
Funding cont’d Huntsville City schools provided their teachers with 22,000 laptops and ipads. a. Kindergarten through third grade received ipads for the classroom b. Fourth through twelfth grades received classroom set of laptops. (
Availability of Local Grants for Alabama School Libraries Much funding is not available from Alabama sources. Many times schools have to apply for own technologies grants outside the state. Some schools received local education association funding allocated to the different school libraries. Teachers and school librarians sometimes have to apply for individual technology grants to accommodate their technological needs.
Local Schools Library Funding The state allocates a specific amount of money to each local school system, and the local school systems allocate it to each school. Secondly, local schools advocate how to best use funds provided to them from LEA’s. Such funding could be used for library resources. For example, Alabama Reading Initiative ( ARI) Program’s purpose is to enhance students’ vocabulary, comprehension skills, and other literacy skills.
Available Grants for School Libraries Librarians could apply for the Office Depot Donation grant for technology based on needs of students. Before submitting application the librarians have to an eligibility form. The link is provided below: ( form.asp) form.asp
Available Grants for Teachers One grant source that can apply to help acquire different technology products such as smart boards, elmo, digital cameras, e-book readers, etc. is through the Smart board website. This website also provide tips for writing grant applications, and is deadline to apply is on-going. In addition fundraising technology tips are also available on this website. ( nts+and+fundraising ) nts+and+fundraising
Conclusion All in all, librarians must apply for school technology grants. Librarians’ vision is for all students to have updated technology to enhance their information process in learning. The outcomes of having updated technology better prepare students for the 21 st century. Some responsibilities of librarians include making sure all students have access to the best technology available. In ending, due to lack of school funding librarians have to apply for technology grants outside their local city and/or state.
References _school_to_use_1_mi.htm. Retrieved on January 26, s+and+fundraising s+and+fundraising. Retrieved on January 26, Retrieved on January 26, Retrieved on January 26, 2013.