Bullying Proofing through SW-PBS
Missouri Schools REQUIREMENT TO ADOPT AN ANTI-BULLYING POLICY, SB (Creates § )REQUIREMENT TO ADOPT AN ANTI-BULLYING POLICY, SB (Creates § ) School districts must adopt an anti-bullying policy no later than September 1, The act defines "bullying" as “intimidation or harassment that causes a reasonable student to fear for his or her physical safety or property.”School districts must adopt an anti-bullying policy no later than September 1, The act defines "bullying" as “intimidation or harassment that causes a reasonable student to fear for his or her physical safety or property.” The policy shall not contain specific lists of protected classes of students. The policy shall require district employees to report any bullying instance of which the employee has firsthand knowledge and shall address employee training in it’s requirements.The policy shall not contain specific lists of protected classes of students. The policy shall require district employees to report any bullying instance of which the employee has firsthand knowledge and shall address employee training in it’s requirements. (Missouri Center for Safe Schools)
What is Bullying? Bullying, unlike isolated conflicts between individuals, occurs when a student or group of students targets an individual repeatedly over time, using physical or psychological aggression to dominate the victim. (Hoover & Oliver, 1996; Rigby, 1995; USDOE, 1998)
Bullying Done by someone with more power or social support to someone with less power or social supportDone by someone with more power or social support to someone with less power or social support Often includes the abuser blaming the target for the abuseOften includes the abuser blaming the target for the abuse Often it leads to the target blaming him or herself for the abuseOften it leads to the target blaming him or herself for the abuse
Often a Hidden Problem One incident of bullying every seven minutesOne incident of bullying every seven minutes Adult intervention in 4% of incidentsAdult intervention in 4% of incidents Peer intervention in 11% of incidentsPeer intervention in 11% of incidents (Craig & Pepler, 1997)
What To Do? Reduce, if not eliminate, existing bully/victim problems among students in and outside of the school setting;Reduce, if not eliminate, existing bully/victim problems among students in and outside of the school setting; Prevent the development of new bully/victim problems; andPrevent the development of new bully/victim problems; and Achieve better peer relations at school and create conditions that allow in particular, victims and bullies to get along and function better in and outside of the school setting.Achieve better peer relations at school and create conditions that allow in particular, victims and bullies to get along and function better in and outside of the school setting. (Recommendations from Safe Schools Fact Sheets)
What Doesn’t Work Interventions not part of comprehensive planInterventions not part of comprehensive plan Asking the target to solve the problemAsking the target to solve the problem One time presentations or awareness sessionsOne time presentations or awareness sessions Tell what not to do instead of teaching what to doTell what not to do instead of teaching what to do
Bullying Proofing Is… Blending prevention, instruction, and social cultureBlending prevention, instruction, and social culture Focusing on real practices and not broad philosophiesFocusing on real practices and not broad philosophies Creating respectful, responsible, safe, and successful environmentsCreating respectful, responsible, safe, and successful environments
Focusing on Behavior Improving the quality of schoolImproving the quality of school Goals align – getting rid of what is inappropriateGoals align – getting rid of what is inappropriate Need to create positive and predictable environmentsNeed to create positive and predictable environments Have to focus on the desired behaviorsHave to focus on the desired behaviors Sustain impactSustain impact
The Challenge Implementation of SW-PBS will often encounter “competing initiatives” When the competing initiative is focused on improved behavior support: – –Start with outcome measures – –Integrate with PBS to make ONE implementation effort.
It Is About Behavior Integrate into teaching expectations Already teaching schoolwide expectationsAlready teaching schoolwide expectations Have a shared understandingHave a shared understanding Use a common languageUse a common language Add empowermentAdd empowerment
Bullying Proofing Victims Need to know when being bulliedNeed to know when being bullied Need ways to remove themselves from bullyNeed ways to remove themselves from bully Understand that bullying is taken seriouslyUnderstand that bullying is taken seriously
Bully Proofing Bystanders Need to know what is bullying behaviorNeed to know what is bullying behavior Need ways to intervene in a bullying situationNeed ways to intervene in a bullying situation Need to be activated Need to be activated
Bully Proofing Bullies Need to understand behavior is inappropriateNeed to understand behavior is inappropriate Name the bullying behaviorName the bullying behavior Need to learn skills to change behaviorNeed to learn skills to change behavior
Bully Proofing Stop – Walk – Swalk Say stop to those being disrepectful to you or othersSay stop to those being disrepectful to you or others Walk away or take the victim away with youWalk away or take the victim away with you Tell an adult – Come to usTell an adult – Come to us
Bully Proofing Helpful questions to ask bullies: Why did you do that?Why did you do that? Why was that an inappropriate thing to do?Why was that an inappropriate thing to do? Who did you hurt?Who did you hurt? What were you trying to accomplish?What were you trying to accomplish? Next time you have that goal, how will you meet it without hurting anybody?Next time you have that goal, how will you meet it without hurting anybody?
Resources For Kids For Staff