So what is…..
B u l l y i n g
■ Punching, shoving and other acts ■Spreading bad rumors about people ■Keeping certain people out of a “group” ■Teasing people in a mean way ■Getting certain people to “gang up” on others
Cyberbullying ►Sending mean text, or instant messages ►Posting nasty pictures or messages about others in blogs or on Web sites ►Using someone else’s user name to spread rumors or lies about someone
How common is bullying?
It happens more than you think! 1 in 7 students is either a bully or a victim 160,000 students miss school everyday due to bullying
Why do people bully? ▪Because they see others doing it ▪Because it is what you do if you want to hang out with the right crowd ▪Because it makes them feel stronger, smarter, or better than the person they are bullying ▪Because it is one of the best ways to keep others from bullying them
What happens…. ►Some people skip school ►It can mess up your future ►It can lead to problems later in your life
Are you being bullied?
What can YOU do? Talk to a parent or an adult you trust Don’t blame yourself for a bully’s action Act confident Make friends with others Avoid situations where bullying can happen Rebuild your self-confidence Don’t resort to violence
It is happening to someone else… Refuse to join in Attempt to defuse bullying situations Get a teacher, parent, or other adult to come immediately Speak up!
Do You Bully Others?
□You have pushed around, physically or in a mean way, someone just because you felt like it □You have had someone else hurt someone you do not like □You have spread nasty rumors about someone □You and your friends have regularly kept one or more people from hanging out with you or your group □You have teased people in a mean way □You have been part of a group that did any of these things
Bullying Stops With YOU