Classroom Rules and Procedures Welcome to Ms. Flynn’s English Language Arts & Intensive Reading Class
Classroom Rules Be Respectful - of your teacher, of your peers, of the learning time, of materials Be Responsible - for being prepared to work, with assignments, cleaning workspace Be Perseverant – keep working, keep trying, keep your group on track, ask questions, attempt it ALL
School Rules Transition quietly* between classes Be on time and prepared with all materials Follow school dress code Follow instructions the first time given Respect self, others, space and property No electronic devices
How do I know how I’m doing? Consequences Infractions (3) Parent contact Detention Team/student conference Parent conference Referral to Administration Rewards Special treats KITE Cash Student of the Month Parent contact Written note home Computer time Free books
Discipline Infractions You will have an infraction if you violate the Franklin Academy Expectations Infractions include: Disrespect Off task Uniform Other 3 infractions during the course of a quarter in any one area, you will receive a detention. Detention Detentions will be served during the week ( day to be announced) between 3:20pm – 4:20pm. Conflicts of time must be discussed with administration.
Restroom Procedures “10-10 Rule” You may only use the restroom after the first 10 minutes of class and before the last 10 minutes of class. You are responsible for the work you miss. You must have a pass with you at all times when out of the classroom. The teacher can say “no” or “you have to wait”. No using the restroom during passing periods.
What if I have an emergency? You will need a pass written by your teacher.. Go directly to the clinic – Nurse Romano in the administration offices.
Getting Started Come in quietly and read the board. Get the supplies you will need for the day. Answer the daily “Do Now”. Check to see if there are any other instructions.
During a lesson Listen carefully, always be ready to take notes, respond, and participate Be sure you and your neighbors are willing to participate Raise your hand to ask questions Transition quickly and quietly when moving into group work Use time wisely and complete classwork You will be graded on what is or is not completed.
Heading for Work on loose paper Name Date Activity or page #
Work in the notebook… Turn to the NEXT clean page. Put a heading on the page Organize work left to right, top to bottom Monday – Bell-Ringer
Group Work Everyone listens to directions Everyone participates in the activities and discussions. Respect others’ opinions and inputs Everyone completes their own work unless otherwise stated.
After the Lesson/Activity Neatly put up your notebook or turn in work according to directions Copy your daily study skill in your agenda Clean your work area
How much is each assignment worth?
Grading Scale A B C D 59 < F
Can I find a listing of resources on the Internet? It is your responsibility to write your study skills and assessments down in your agenda daily. Most days you can check out my website for resources and assessment updates. *OR* Franklin Academy Sunrise’s website Faculty & Staff Flynn, Katie
Progress Reports You will receive interim reports at the halfway mark of each quarter. You can follow your progress 24/7 on Power Schools. Both you and your parents have access to Power Schools, therefore it is your responsibility to track your progress.
Parent Communication Parents will be ed and called frequently for many reasons. Job well done Academic progress Schedule conferences Behavior concerns * All communication with parents is documented
Character counts in our class!
Bully Free Zone… If you expect RESPECT… Be the first to show it… Support your peers…
At Franklin Academy, we are “Making our Mark”. We are F air We are R esponsible We have A nswers We are N on-judgmental We are Kinetic We are L ogical We are I nnovative We are N oble
We will have a wonderful !