Learning Addition Facts Part = = 12
Objective l To learn the strategies and patterns for adding sums to 20.
Addition Facts are easiest to learn when... l You find patterns. l You use rhymes. l You use strategies. l You relate them to what you already know.
1 + 0 = = 7 Ten Pattern Add number in one’s place plus 0, then bring down the one in 10’s place Answer 17 1
Ten Pattern 10 plus a number is that number with a 1 in front. l = 14 l = 17 l = 15 l = 18 l = 19 l = 16
What is =81 +
What is = 4 + 1
What is =1 + 1
What is =1 + 9
What is =1 + 2
What is =1 + 5
What is =1 + 7
What is =13
What is =16
Add like a 10 Pretend 9 is a 10. Nine Strategy Pretend 9 is a 10. Add. Subtract 1 from answer Subtract 1 from answer
Nine Strategy Pretend 9 is a 10. Add. Subtract 1 from answer. l = 13 l = 18 l = 14 l = 16 l = 15 l = 14
What is = 16 Think
What is =13 Think
What is = 17 Think
What is =14 Think
What is =15 Think
What is =18
Addition Facts I Learned
Credits Illustrations from: l Clipart from ClickArt 125,000 Deluxe Image Pak, T/Maker Co., Broderbund Software, Inc.