Welcome to Curriculum Night!
What do we teach? Beyond the reading, writing, and math, our goal is to teach your children how to be productive members of society. In order to do so, we must make our students confident, strong, and able to learn from their mistakes. We accomplish this through practice, hard work, and, occasionally, laughter.
Where do we begin? O Before we can teach your students that they can accomplish anything, we must first assess what they know. The next few slides cover where the students were assessed at the beginning of the year in reading, math, and spelling.
What next? In School - At Home - O We continue to assess at least once a month to monitor all of our student’s progress. If a student isn’t achieving at grade level, we also have tutoring and other resources to help your child succeed. O There are lots of things you can do at home to help your student succeed. O Make sure your child has the time and place to complete their homework. O Read together. O Write letters to each other. O Play math games.
Major things we will learn this year in math: O Multiplication facts O Division facts O Addition and subtraction with fractions with like denominators O Perimeter and area
Major things we will learn this year in English Language Arts: O Elements of literature – Plot, character, setting, theme O Summarizing both a narrative and an informative text O Citing textual evidence O Writing a 3-paragraph essay using the writing process – drafting, editing, revising, and publishing
Major things we will learn in other subject areas: O Constitution O Scientific process and experiments O How to play a recorder
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